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Statement of Purpose

**Introductory Revisionism** Statement of PurposeThe Case for Open Debate Problem of the Gas ChambersAuschwitz myths and factsLet's examine the Holocaust from all sidesThe Liberation of the CampsWhat is Holocaust Denial?Inside the Auschwitz 'Gas Chambers'The 'Jewish soap' MythThe US Holocaust Memorial MuseumSimon Wiesenthal: Bogus Nazi HunterA Prominent False Witness: Elie WieselWhy Holocaust Revisionism? Committee for Open…

Strategy of Decimation

Dear all I am sending you some notes I made a couple of years ago from one section of the book Black Book: The Crime Against the Jewish People, published in New York in 1946 by the Jewish Black Book Committee, consisting of the World Jewish Congress, the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (USSR), the Vaad Leumi…

Swindler’s Mist: Spielberg’s Fraud in Schindler’s List

Hollywood illusionist Steven Spielberg's mendacious anti-German libel, Schindler's List, is based upon a novel, that is to say, a work of fiction, titled in its first edition, Schindler's Ark, by the Australian writer Thomas Keneally (the book's name was later altered to coincide with the title of the movie). Keneally's work is riddled with errors….

Testimony of the National Socialist Leadership

Regarding an Allied radio broadcast announcement that the Jews were being exterminated: “Really, the Jews should be grateful to me for wanting nothing more than a bit of hard work from them.”—Adolf Hitler quoted in: David Irving, Hitler's War (London: Focal Point, 1991), p. 427. “In order to put a stop to the epidemics, we…

The Adventure of Revisionism

Robert Faurisson, Europe's foremost Holocaust Revisionist scholar, is a frequent Journal contributor. This essay was translated by IHR editor Theodore J. O'Keefe. With rare exceptions, a Revisionist researcher is not an intellectual closeted in his study. Even if he were to choose a hermit's life, society would soon see to the end of his isolation….

The Bryce Report, Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages

The Bryce Report was a collection of atrocity stories telling of German savagery in Belgium released in the United States shortly after the sinking of the Lusitania. The report had a great effect in estranging American opinion from Germany during World War I. Lord Bryce's name carried great weight with the American public. Walter Millis…

The Case of Walter Lüftl or

1. Introduction In Germany, in the early spring of February 1992, many Austrian and German newspaper dailies[1] reported the resignation of the President of the Federal Austrian Chamber of Engineers, Walter Lüftl, who stepped down from his prestigious position after voicing doubts about the Holocaust. Things calmed down fairly quickly in Germany, while in Austria…

The Censorship Trial of Ernst Zündel: 1985 (1986)

When the Bill of Rights was attached to the United States Constitution by those men responsible for founding the American Government, the ideals of freedom of conscience and political liberty were institutionalized for the citizenry in a way hardly imagined by any other people in history. Among those rights, none has proved more valuable to…

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