Month: January 2013

Transforming the Constitution

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author (most recently of Alias Shakespeare), and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's (P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183). “Our Savaged 'Living' Constitution” is reprinted from the Jan.-Feb. 1994 issue of Capitol Hill Voice (P.O. Box One, Washington, DC 20044), a newsletter edited and published by Dale Crowley,…

Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

Through his personal Internet web site, Journal associate editor Greg Raven makes available an impressive selection of material from the Institute for Historical Review, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. An independent service that impartially reviews and rates web sites has given the site a positive rating. In the summer of 1996, Gale…

Japanese Court Declines to Validate Gas Chamber Claims

In a major victory in Japan for freedom of speech and research on the Holocaust issue, a Tokyo District Court has declined to give judicial validation to claims of mass extermination gas chambers in wartime German concentration camps. The case began in April 1997 when Japanese revisionist author Aiji Kimura brought a lawsuit against three…

Remer Dies in Exile

Otto Ernst Remer in a 1944 portrait. Otto Ernst Remer – a wartime German army officer who played a key role in putting down the July 1944 plot against Hitler, and an important postwar revisionist publicist – died on October 4, 1997, at the age of 85. Since 1994 he had been living in exile…

Retirement, “Nuremberg” and Auschwitz “Rambo'

Retiring, Not Quitting Doug Collins, an award-winning journalist, has worked for several Canadian daily newspapers, and is the author of several books. He served with the British army during the Second World War, and then with the British control commission in postwar occupied Germany. The three essays published here are reprinted from his columns in…

Historian Details Stalin’s Two-Year ‘Mobilization’ Plan for European Conquest

Der Tag M (“M Day”), by Viktor Suvorov (Vladimir B. Rezun). Translated from the Russian by Hans Jaeger. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1995. Hardcover. 356 pages. Photos. Source references. Bibliography. Index. Daniel W. Michaels is a Columbia University graduate (Phi Beta Kappa, 1954), a Fulbright exchange student to Germany (1957), and recently retired from the US Department…

Russian Specialist Lays Bare Stalin’s Plan to Conquer Europe

Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War?, by Viktor Suvorov (Vladimir Rezun). London: Hamish Hamilton, 1990. Hardcover. Maps. Photos. Source references. Index. Joseph Bishop studied history and German at a South African university. Currently employed in a professional field, he resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and three children. It sometimes happens that…

Lyndon Johnson Was First to Align US Policy With Israel’s

Donald Neff is author of several books on US-Middle East relations, including the 1995 study, Fallen Pillars: Us. Policy Toward Palestine and Israel Since 1945, and his 1988 Warriors trilogy. This article is reprinted from the November-December 1996 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (PO. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). President John…

How a Major Holocaust Historian Manipulates Facts

Gerald Fleming is an internationally prominent Holocaust historian who teaches history at the University of Surrey in England. In his widely-discussed 1984 book, Hitler and the Final Solution, he attempted to refute British historian David Irving’s provocative contention that no documentary evidence exists to show that Hitler ordered the extermination of Europe’s Jews, or even…

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