Month: August 2017

Evidence for the German Euthanasia Program Compared to the Holocaust

Abstract I have been asked the question: Why do you think the German euthanasia program happened during World War II, but not the Holocaust? This article will show that the evidence for the German euthanasia program is overwhelming, while the evidence to support the Holocaust story is severely lacking. Written Order In August 1939, Hitler…

The Orthodox Holocaust Narrative as a Conspiracy Theory

Rémi Perron, Révisionnisme contre complotisme. Paris: Editions Plein Soleil, 2016. 152 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website François Fradin, Notes sur l’extermino-complotisme et le révisionnisme. Rome: La Sfinge, 2016. 134 pp., bibliography, index. This book can be purchased at the French publisher’s website Abstract Holocaust revisionism is increasingly…

Warning to the Jews About their Alleged Holocaust (Part 2)

Summonsed by the French criminal police within the framework of new charges brought for “disputing a crime against humanity ”, Vincent Reynouard explains why he will not appear. He does not recognise the legitimacy or authority of the French State built upon Holocaust hysteria. A fantastic video (11 minutes). Part 2 :  2°) Warning to…

Smashing Statutes

In March 2001 several large statues of Buddha carved into the cliffs at Bamyan Valley were destroyed as part of a government campaign to rid Afghanistan of offensive idolatry. Western and Buddhist countries condemned the destruction of the statutes as, "a crime against culture. It is abominable to witness the cold and calculated destruction of…

Paul Fromm on Censorship in Canada

A short video  with Paul Fromm that tells us about  the Canadian Censorship and Political Harassment in Canada. Paul Fromm is a free speech advocate in Canada. He is, also, a campaigner against the Holocau$t scam. Paul Fromm, a White Nationalist talks (43 minutes) frankly about the constant lying abuse directed at him by Jewish Supremacists…

Brian Ruhe Jim Rizoli interview (2018)

Brian Ruhe interviews Jim Rizoli about his work for free speech and the Holocaust question. Brian interviews veteran revisionist and Holocau$t exposer, Jim Rizoli about his activities on the Internet. Jim has been banned and subjected to harrassment by Jews who demand that the "Holocau$t" nonsense be treated as holy writ. Jim doesn't tolerate any…

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