Month: January 2018

This Strange Hesitation about Deporting Illegal Immigrants

It seems to be widely understood that Donald Trump was elected President of the United States largely because of an expectation that he might halt or at least drastically slow demographic change caused by immigration. Certainly for Ann Coulter, who forecast the imminent demise of the United States through immigration in her book Adios America!,…

Memorabilia: 13th IHR Conference – Revisionists Countess, Smith and Bennett

Two American Revisionists, Robert Countess and the late Bradley Smith plus Australian John Bennett share their fascinating insights at the 13th Institute of Historical Review conference. This superb video (One hour 44 minutes) shows the 13th IHR conference. Robert Countess, Bradley R Smith (founder of CODOH) and the Australian Civil liberties Champion, John Bennett, speak…

Christian Gerlach’s The Extermination of the European Jews

This time we will take on the latest comprehensive elaboration on the Holocaust written by a mainstream historian: The Extermination of the European Jews (Cambridge University Press, 2016) by German historian Christian Gerlach, professor of modern history at the University of Bern and associate editor of the Journal of Genocide Research. The book’s content is…

Voices of the Holocaust

Lyn Smith, Remembering: Voices of the Holocaust, Carroll & Graf, New York, 2006. We will continue our search through the testimonies by having a look at the book Remembering: Voices of the Holocaust (Carroll & Graf, New York 2006) edited by Lyn Smith. The foreword is by Laurence Rees who, explaining the reasons for publishing…

From Greece to Birkenau

Leon Cohen, From Greece to Birkenau: The Crematoria Workers’ Uprising, Salonika Jewry Research Center, Tel Aviv, 1996. Without a doubt the most important piece of evidence regarding the Holocaust are the testimonies of the members of the so-called Sonderkommandos. They were the workers in the crematories who allegedly took the bodies from the gas chambers…

From Athens to Auschwitz

Errikos Sevillias, Athens – Auschwitz, Lycabettus Press, Athens, 1983; Αθήνα – Άουσβιτς, Vivliopōleion tēs “Hestias,” Athens, 1995. Are our readers ready to look into yet another testimony? Sit back and relax. Tonight’s guest of honor is Errikos Sevillias. So let’s go. Sevillias was deported from Athens to Auschwitz and then Birkenau in 1944 at the…

Memories of a Thessalonian Jewess

Erika Kounio-Amarilio, 50 χρόνια μετά: Αναμνήσεις μιας Θεσσαλονικιώτισσας εβραίας (50 khronia meta: Anamneseis mias Thessalonikiotissas Hebraias, translating to 50 Years Later: Memories of a Thessalonian Jewess), Parateretes, Thessaloniki 1996/Ianos, Thessaloniki, 2006. Erika Kounio was the editor of the book Oral Testimonies of the Jews from Thessaloniki about the Holocaust examined in an earlier article.[1] As…

The Violinist

Jacques Stroumsa, Geiger in Auschwitz: ein jüdisches Überlebensschicksal aus Saloniki, 1941-1967, Hartung-Gorre, Konstanz, 1993; Violinist in Auschwitz: from Salonica to Jerusalem, 1913-1967, ibid., 1996; Διαλεξα τη ζωη: Απο τη Θεσσαλονικη στο Αουσβιτς, Parateretés, Thessaloniki 1997. Do you ever go to concerts? Meet Jacob (Jacques) Stroumsa, the violinist of Auschwitz. Stroumsa was an electrical engineer and…

Homage to Fred Leuchter, the Alleged Impostor and True Engineer

Abstract This year, 2018, marks the 30th anniversary of the Leuchter Report, the expert report compiled by Fred A. Leuchter on the rooms at the Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek Camps commonly referred to as “gas chambers.” In this contribution, I will not deal with the merits of Leuchter’s Report, on which rivers of ink have…

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