Memorabilia: The Significance of Speaking
Free-speech defender Douglas Christie discusses the recent film The King's Speech and the importance of liberating speech and creative capacity for everyone.
By Douglas Christie ∙ April 10, 2019
Free-speech defender Douglas Christie discusses the recent film The King's Speech and the importance of liberating speech and creative capacity for everyone.
By David Irving ∙ April 8, 2019
Here it is one more video that proves and shows the struggle that revisionists must endure when doing a public talk, this time "the victim" is David Irving in Canada.
By Panagiotis Heliotis ∙ April 8, 2019
If the Holocaust never happened, what happened to the Jews of Europe? If the camps were labor or transit camps, where did the Jews go? Give us the name of one single Jew who was transited through these camps. These are the kind of responses you usually hear from people who encounter revisionism and realize…
By Germar Rudolf, Greg Raven ∙ April 5, 2019
This video serves as important memorabilia on the historical narrative of the Holocaust revisionists' struggle and to see how questioning the Holocaust has evolved thanks to the Internet. Germar Rudolf is still a young scientist who is always creating and creative. An inspiration to many. Germar Rudolf was a German Chemist who was studying for…
By Ernst Zündel, Russell Barton ∙ April 5, 2019
The real narrative with regard to "the Truth about the Bergen-Belsen 'horror camp'". In part narrated by Dr. Russell Barton, who happened to be in that camp, and by Ernst Zündel.
By John Wear ∙ April 4, 2019
Cyrus Cox. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined. Castle Hill Publications, Uckfield, UK, 114 pp., £8/$10. Auschwitz—Forensically Examined by Cyrus Cox summarizes the forensic evidence proving that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp. This article will review some of the important points mentioned in this book. The Chemistry of Auschwitz Forensic tests show that all of the delousing facilities…
By Douglas Christie ∙ April 3, 2019
Defence lawyer Douglas Christie discusses the importance of juries to our system of law, and identifies how juries are being undermined. Doug was the brilliant lawyer who defended Ernst Zundel in the famous "Holocau$t" trial in 1982. Doug exposed the "Holocau$t" "expert" Hilberg as a know-nothing and "witnesses" as outrageous liars.
By Douglas Christie ∙ April 1, 2019
Western Canadian Separatist and free speech lawyer Douglas Christie talks about freedom, purpose and self-fulfillment, in an unfree world. Douglas Christie was the lawyer who brilliantly defended Ernst Zundel, routed "Holocau$t" "expert" Hilberg, and showed that "Holocau$t" witnesses were blatant liars.
By Ernst Zündel ∙ March 31, 2019
This was one of the first videos that was ever made by Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017). It consists of Ernst Zundel along with Ditlieb Felderer, a Swedish historian and Mr Thompson, an American military analyst. Ernst tells the truth about the Auschwitz-Birkenau and exposes the lies about “gas chambers”. Ditleib shows his extensive knowledge…
By Ernst Zündel, Robert Faurisson ∙ March 30, 2019
Ernst Zündel and Prof. Robert Faurisson dissect the so-called justice system and 'human rights commissions' in Canada. It seems that "human rights" has an agenda – to prevent any citicism of zionists and allow hate propaganda of Germans. This video (28 minutes) shows how "human rights" prevents the truth being told about Zionists and lets lies be spread…
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