Ingrid Rimland Zündel on 1998 (3:03) min)
Ingrid Rimland Zundel on 1998.
By Ernst Zündel, Ingrid Rimland ∙ June 30, 2021
Ingrid Rimland Zundel on 1998.
By Ingrid Rimland ∙ June 30, 2021
In this video, (One hour and 43 minutes) Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) interviews Doctor Ingrid Rimland, in 1998. An attractive, elegant, and highly intelligent lady, she is the author of many prize winning books, such as the Wanderers and her trilogy, Lebensraum. She was born in the Ukraine in 1936 into a Mennonite family, who were of German origin. Fleeing religious persecution, the Mennonites left Germany in large numbers to the Russian Empire, after Catherine the Great invited them to settle in the decade following 1770.
By Ernst Zündel, Ingrid Rimland ∙ June 30, 2021
Ingrid Rimland 12 July 1998.
By John Wear ∙ June 28, 2021
Germany engaged in numerous anti-partisan operations during World War II. The brutality of these anti-partisan activities has been well documented by historians. This article discusses the nature and extent of Germany’s anti-partisan operations, and why Germany engaged in such vicious activities during the war.
By Brian Ruhe ∙ June 27, 2021
Brian Ruhe of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society interviews D R Tankie (DRT) about Operation Paperclip in this (one hour 50 minute) video. Operation Paperclip was a secret US operation in which over 1,600 German scientists, engineers and technicians were taken from defeated National Socialist Germany to be employed by the US Government….
By Robert Faurisson ∙ June 24, 2021
In this video (One hour and 25 minutes) Professor Robert Faurisson, a great Frenchman speaks about his incredible life, in his native French. Professor Faurisson was born in England to a French father, and a Scottish mother, although for most of life he lived in France. This video is in parts which describes various phases…
By Jim Rizoli, Norman Finkelstein ∙ June 24, 2021
The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein. Jim Rizoli of talks (12 minutes) about the book "The Holocaust Industry" by Dr Norman Finklestein. Jim says Finklestein exposed the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie as a scam. Finklestein is a Jew and recieved a great deal of flak about the book. Jim shows a interview with Finklestein, in…
By Robert Faurisson ∙ June 23, 2021
Professor Robert Faurisson explains The Final Solution. Professor Robert Faurisson was an incredibly brave individual who took on the "Holocau$t" atrocity liars in his native France. Exceptionally intellligent, and highly educated – he was a specialist in document analysis. For his heroic stance in rebutting the "Holocau$t" lie, he was dragged through the courts on…
By Michael A. Hoffman ∙ June 23, 2021
Jim Rizoli Interviews Michael Santomauro Mar 25 2016. Jim Rizoli, an active individual campaigning against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie, interviews Michael Santomauro in this (55 minutes) video. Jim asks Michael about his background. Michael says he grew up in the Bronx, in New York. Michael (an Catholic of Italian origin) tells Jim that the Bronx…
By Unknown Author ∙ June 16, 2021
Animal Rights In The Third Reich. Here in this (14 minute) video, historians look at the rights of Animals in the Third Reich. Lionel Richard, a historian talks about the extensive laws to protect animals in National Socialist Germany. Boria Sax, another historian says that the Fuhrer [Leader] and Chancellor of National Socialist Germany brought…
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