Year: 2021

Ernst Zündel´s Interview by an Israeli Journalist with FRENCH subtitles (2:03:34)

In this historic 2 hour video, (in English with French subtitles) the late Canadian Revisionist, Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) is interviewed by an Israeli journalist, about his views and how he came to acquire them. Despite the hostile tone of the Journalist, Ernst maintains a steady coolness relying on facts to advance his case. Ernst gives…

Painting with eggs in Auschwitz

Artists at Auschwitz. There was a number of Jewish artists at the camp. One escaped the "gas chamber" by hiding in the hospital! Most of them survived. Of course, you normally have a few artists in a "death camp". Using egg yolks (mixed with colour pigments) in painting, was a method used by the Romans, and…

Ernst Zündel: his Awakening

In this 56 minute video, Tom Metzger of “Race and Reason” interviews the late Canadian Revisionist, Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017). Tom says that he believes in unrestricted freedom of speech, and Ernst is a prime example of an individual who had to fight to maintain his freedom of speech. Here, Ernst answers questions about…

Robert Faurisson The Holocaust as Religion 1992 (1:08:28)

In this (One hour and eight minutes) video clip, Professor Robert Faurisson (1929-2018) talks of how the “holocaust” atrocity lie has now become a “religion” as historical enquiry is matched by “faith”. Here in October 1992 he is introduced by Mark Weber of the Institute of Historical Review (a noted scholar in his own right)….

George Lincoln Rockwell (2:04:28)

In this 2 hour video, the life and times of George Lincoln Rockwell is examined. George Lincoln Rockwell (March 9, 1918 – August 25, 1967) was an American politician and National Socialist. Born in Bloomington, Illinois, he was of English, Scottish and French ancestry. He joined the US Navy in 1940, serving in the Atlantic and…

The Holocaust Shifting the Blame Pt. 1 (Documentary by Jews for Hitler)

In this 46 minute video, part 1 of 2, written by a Jew,  the "Holocaust" atrocity lie is examined  in a different way than normal. The "Holocaust" is examined in its historical context, and the author shows it as a fraud, amongst many frauds committed by Jews. The author looks at history before the alleged "Holocaust"…

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