Author: Bezalel Chaim


MORE ON THE ROMANIAN JEWS In the last (Fall 1982) Journal of Historical Review, we ran in these columns a correspondence which attempted to clarify the losses of Romanian Jews during the war. We failed to include in that correspondence a final letter/circular by Dr. Andronescu without which the research data would appear to be…


THE HOLOCAUST AND ITS RELIGIOUS ROOTS It was good to read Dr. Charles Weber's article “The Six Million Thesis – Cui Bono?” in the Summer 1982 issue of The Journal of Historical Review. Dr. Weber's article does well to point out some of the concrete, practical reasons for the propagation and perpetuation of the holocaust…

Romanians and the Holocaust

In the last decade, various stories appeared in books and newspapers relating to the Holocaust in Romania. The authors of these stories pretended that Romanians killed almost half a million Jews in WW II; they arrived at this figure in an awkward manner. Firstly, long before this campaign, in 1957, two scholars, one Romanian and…

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