Author: Kerry R. Bolton

Religion, Mysticism and the Myth of the "Occult Reich"

There’s nothing quite like the sensationalism of combining Nazism with black magic to ensure attention for an author. Since Hitler’s National Socialism has been regarded as “the ultimate in evil,” linking Hitlerism with black magic and Satanism is a logical development...

American Famine and the Failure of the New Deal

Two of the great myths of recent history are that: 1. Germany achieved economic recovery through rearmament; 2. Roosevelt overcame the Depression through his New Deal social reforms. These assumptions are in inverse proportion to actuality.

American Famine and the Failure of the New Deal

Two of the great myths of recent history are that: Germany achieved economic recovery through rearmament; Roosevelt overcame the Depression through his New Deal social reforms. These assumptions are in inverse proportion to actuality. Germany achieved economic recovery in a similar way the Labour Government in New Zealand did at about the same time: state…

“Saint Joseph”: Was Stalin a Defender of the Church?

The upsurge of nostalgia for Joseph Stalin in Russia is a remembrance of the greatness that Russia achieved during that era, and one which many Russians hope to see renewed. A notable seeming paradox is that this revival of Stalinism is related more to Russian messianic Slavophilism, which sees Russia as having a unique world-mission,…

Reconsidering Hitler’s Gestapo

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler’s Secret Police. Frank McDonough. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2015). Dr. Frank McDonough, professor of international history at Liverpool John Moores University, has written a book that will be of much interest to “historical revisionists.” Like Robert N. Proctor’s Nazi War on Cancer[1] it is a revisionist work,…

Origins of the Japanese-American War

One important, but often overlooked element of the causes of the Second World War is economics. In fact, it may be said that World War II was a conflict between two systems of economy: free trade, or what is today called globalization, and autarchy, or the economic self-sufficiency of states or more commonly trading blocs, including…

Religion, Mysticism and the Myth of the “Occult Reich”

There’s nothing quite like the sensationalism of combining Nazism with black magic to ensure attention for an author. Since Hitler’s National Socialism has been regarded as “the ultimate in evil,” linking Hitlerism with black magic and Satanism is a logical development. It could be contended that the sensationalism of the dime novel, pop history, and…

The Myth of the Big Business-Nazi Axis

The party-line of the Left is that Fascism and Nazism were the last resort of Capitalism.[1] Indeed, the orthodox Marxist critique does not go beyond that. In recent decades there has been serious scholarship within orthodox academe to understand Fascism as a doctrine. Among these we can include Roger Griffin,[2] Roger Eatwell,[3] and particularly Zeev…

The Anti-Hitler Underground within the German Conservative Revolution

In recent years more has become known about the anti-Hitler underground acting within German conservative and military circles. The book Secret Germany by Baigent and Leigh went a long way to popularize the events surrounding “Operation Valkyrie,” the assassination plot against Hitler.[1] The character of Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, perhaps the most well-known figure in…

Defending the Defenseless

Despite the Germanophobia that was drummed up even prior to the USA’s 1941 entry into the war against Germany, the immediate aftermath saw a significant reaction of Americans to war crimes and post-war genocidal policies that were being inflicted on Germany. Several salient factors for this include: (1) the large component of the American population…

Roots of Present World Conflict

This paper contends that the present so-called “conflict of civilizations,” or “war on terrorism,” and the Arab-Israeli conflict have their origins in the covert machinations of the Great War that betrayed the Arabs, prolonged the war, and established a pestilential organism at the center of the Islamic world that will seemingly forever be a cause…

H. Keith Thompson Jr.

Charles Harold Keith Thompson Jr., more familiarly known as Keith Thompson, was long a seminal influence on political and historical revisionism. Thompson’s historical revisionism was incidental to his political and ideological outlooks. Thompson sought a revival of Western civilization, and regarded German National Socialism and Italian Fascism as provisional forms of such a revival. In…

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