Author: CODOH

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. Read our mission statement here for details.

Revisionists sentenced to prison in Switzerland

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist author and researcher Jürgen Graf, 47 and his publisher Gerhard Förster, 78 were sentenced to prison in Switzerland. Graf has written several books criticizing the traditional Holocaust story. He has recently completed extensive research in the Moscow archives analyzing important primary documents. Graf and Förster,…

The Two Faces of Humanity. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

Palestinian youth is harassed by a dozen armed Israelis during the two minutes of silence the Palestinians observed as a sign of protest during Israel's 50th anniversary celebrations. (Washington Report on Middle East Affairs by permission of the NYT) The more things change, the more they remain the same Nazi Soldiers harass Jew Grinning fools…

VHO Website Censored by German Authorities

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On April 27, 1998, Mayor Vandreike of the City of Frankfurt am Main (Germany), applied for the indexing, i.e. censoring of the entire Website of Germar Rudolf's British publishing outlet Castle Hill Publishers (which also host material from the Belgian revisionist organization Vrij Historisch Onderzoek,…

Garaudy fined $40,000 in France

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell A Paris court ordered French philosopher Roger Garaudy to pay 240,000 francs ($40,000) for challenging the existence of homicidal gas chambers in his book, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics. Garaudy, an 84-year-old convert to Islam, was found guilty of breaking a 1990 law that makes…

Flemish Police Raid Revisionist Publisher

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On January 7, 1998, Flemish police raided several addresses of a publisher of revisionist materials in Belgium. The publisher, Foundation for Free Historical Research, or Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (VHO) was also raided on the 21st and 27th of November 1997. It is reported that the reason…

Tribunal to deny Zündel his Human Rights

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Ernst Zündel, a Canadian publisher, has been brought before a “Human Rights tribunal” today after a complaint was filed by Metropolitan Toronto Mayor Barbara Hall. Hall's complaint was based on revisionist materials that were posted to the Zündelsite, a website established and maintained in the United…

Polish Editor Faces 23 Years for Publishing 66 Questions

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Warsaw City Procurator filed felony charges against Adam Gmurczyk, the editor of a Polish socio-political monthly, Szczerbiec (shcherbyetz), because it published a translation of the pamphlet, 66 Questions and Answers on the Holocaust. This pamphlet was first published in the early-1980s by the Institute for Historical…

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