Author: Paul Grubach

Paul Grubach is a U.S. scholar who has published many revisionist studies and articles.

The Holocaust Doctrine and the Hypocrisy of Western Values

Ahmadinejad’s Insightful Statement In reference to political Zionism, certain Western governments and the Jewish Holocaust story, the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was claimed to have said in late 2005: “They have fabricated a legend under the name of Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the…

French Government Hypocrisy, Islam and Holocaust Revisionism

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 February 8, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, As you are undoubtedly aware by now, Holocaust revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurisson will probably stand trial for comments he made at the Iran Holocaust Conference of December 2006. Allegedly, he violated France’s Gayssot…

Holocaust Revisionist Robert Faurisson and the Hypocrisy of the French Government

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 January 15, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, It has been reported that revisionist historian Robert Faurisson will face trial on charges that he made statements at the Iran Holocaust Conference in December 2006, which cast doubt on the so-called Jewish Holocaust….

George Bush, War With Iran, and Holocaust Revisionism

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, D.C. 20500 September 25, 2007 Dear President Bush, In March 2006, you publicly admitted that concerns about Iran's alleged nuclear weapons program derive largely from the threat it poses to Israel.[1] In your own words: “The threat from Iran is, of course, their stated objective to…

The Holocaust Ideology

What is meant by the term, “Holocaust ideology?” It encompasses these propositions. The Nazi government formulated a master plan to murder all the Jews of Europe. This master plan was primarily carried out with the use of homicidal gas chambers in six concentration camps in Poland, and with mobile gas vans on the Eastern Front….

Charles D. Provan and Nazi-Gas-Chamber Nonsense

I had no intention of ever again writing about the “Nazi gas chamber” theories of the late Charles Provan until I saw this statement in the highly influential Wikipedia online encyclopedia: “Provan has demonstrated the scientific feasibility of mass murder by diesel gas vans against the thesis of Friedrich P. Berg.” See Despite the…

Why Anti-Semitism?

The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State by Benjamin Ginsberg, University of Chicago Press, 1993. This well-written, highly instructive but somewhat flawed revisionist study of Jewish political, cultural and economic clout in the U.S., Europe, Russia and the Middle East should be read and reread by Instaurationists. Breaking ranks with politically correct historiography, Professor Benjamin…

The “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”

The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, by Jeffrey Herf, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 416 pages. Dr. Jeffrey Herf, professor of history at the University of Maryland and a prominent student of German-Jewish issues, has written a very interesting book that examines anew the National Socialist “Final Solution of…

The “Final Solution of the Jewish Question”

The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust, by Jeffrey Herf, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2006, 416 pages. Introduction Dr. Jeffrey Herf, professor of history at the University of Maryland and a prominent student of German-Jewish issues, has written a very interesting book that examines anew the National Socialist “Final Solution…

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