Author: David Thomas

Internet Roundup

After CODOHWeb signed on with a new Internet service provider (ISP), or connection service to the Internet, last May, CODOH was for the first time able to monitor traffic figures for its Website in detail. Previously, the most we could do was to put counters on specific Website pages. Now, our new comprehensive site stats…

Rude Awakening

(David Thomas is co-Webmaster of CODOHWeb, a businessman, golfer and raconteur.) At just about the stroke of midnight, July 3/4, woke up in front of the computer screen where I’d been dozing for an hour or so, working on uploading new files to the CODOH World Wide Web site. It’s a common occurrence— both uploading…

Striped Fever

I remember well the plague, the old man muttered low,Its origins were vague, would were the outcome so!I think it started back, he said, when poor benighted dupesListened to the demagogues and split us into groups. Have pride! they cried, not in your deeds, nor even in your thoughts.Have pride! they cried, in social weeds,…

AOL Keeps Pornography on the Net Under Control!

A dejected subscriber is printed and processed for banishment after being caught using one of AOL's forbidden words, “breast”, on-line. Cyber Police scoffed at his plaintive insistence that he was trying to say “beast” and that he “never could spell too good noway.” “A likely goddamned story!” they sniffed. “These animals will say anything to…

Auschwitz Commandant Confesses to OJ Simpson Murders & Elie Orders a Whopper

OJ Simpson Pronounces Himself “Vindicated” But Still Cannot Spell It June 9, 1998 (from wire services) In a startling new development, the former commandant of Auschwitz has confessed to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in June, 1994, in a signed confession found on the grounds of the Happy Hunting Golf Park…

Germany must be destroyed . A collection of quotes

Introduction “Germany must be destroyed” is a collection of quotes made by various political leaders, scholars, and opinion makers in the West over a period stretching back to the 19th century. It gives a feel for the “problem” that Germany has represented to other nations since Bismarck achieved unity in 1870 and the German people burst…

Documents from the Moscow Archives describe building of air-raid shelters in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943

The imperfect translations which follow convey clearly enough the meaning of three documents recently forwarded by an anonymous source from Russian archives of captured German WWII documents to Samuel Crowell. They give details of logistical problems encountered in the building of hundreds of air-raid shelters at Auschwitz-Birkenau in April through November of 1944. This effort…

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