Author: To be determined

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Franz Suchomel Describes the horrors of Treblinka to Claude Lanzmann (53:25 min)

In this 53 minute video, an “interview” of Franz Suchomel by a Jewish propagandist called Lanzmann is shown. Lanzmann secretly recorded Suchomel without his knowledge. It was released in 1985. Franz Suchomel (1907-1979) was a Sudeten German, who later joined the SS (Protective Squads). The SS were elite members of the NSDAP set up to…

Holocaust Survivors Take Lie-Detector Tests Are They Being Honest We find out. Maury

In this three minute video, a "Holocaust" survivor makes a number of claims which fail a lie detector test. She claims for example, that the Germans had a switch that could turn showers from Zyclon B gas to water. Also how Youtube is adopting more repressive laws to repress free speech, to applease Jewish leaders…

School and Theatre in Westerbork Concentration Camp (39 Sec.)

Westerbork was a transit camp in Holland where Jews were collected before being deported eastwards. German policy, was to empty Western Europe of Jews and move them to the German occupied territories in the east. Despite claims by "Holocaust" atrocity liars, the German policy was a humane one. Here this short video (of 38 seconds) shows…

Zisblatt Told her Diamond Story…Because She Feared her Son Would Read Mein Kampf

In this 5 minute clip, Irene Zisblatt relates her wartime experiences, as per her book "Fifth Diamond". She states that her mother sewed 5 diamonds in her clothes, in case she needed to buy bread. Zisblatt was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and having her hair shaved, showered, and her clothes taken, she hid the diamonds in…

Irene Zisblatt Mengele was Castrating Boys and Girls

Irene Zisblatt, a Jewess, claims that Mengele, carried out three medical experiments on her, and also castrated boys and girls at Auschwitz. In reality, Josef Mengele, the Chief Medical Officer at Auschwitz, was a highly decorated SS Hauptsturmfuhrer, (Iron Cross First Class, Iron Cross Second Class, Wound Badge, Care for the German People Medal) who…

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