Author: To be determined

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Why are people afraid of the facts about the Jews? (17:25 MIn)

In this video (17 minutes) the question of facts is raised.  That people are afraid of the facts in regard to Jews is investigated. The role of the Jews in Communism, International banking, Starting Wars, Pushing Multiculturalism, and promoting Homosexuality is substantial. The views of Winston Churchill regarding Communism are shown. Churchill states that Communism…

Holohoax Tales The Haunted Holocaust Museum (11:23 min)

Holohoax Tales The Haunted Holocau$t Museum. Holocau$t museums are being built all over the world. Recently, the UK government (led by Alexander Boris Johnson, whose Jewish mother died this month) announced they were going to build a "Holocau$t" museum costing over £100 million pounds, 75% to be paid by the British taxpayers to be built on…

The HoloHoax The Ultimate Red Pill 10-12 hours (10:27:09)

  This is an incredible video (Ten hours and 27 minutes), produced by "The Rising Truth Productions". Yes, that's right – ten hours and 27 minutes! In the Hollywood film, the Matrix, an individual is given the choice of truthful reality or contented illusion, by chosing one of two pills. Here, Rising Truth shows what you get…

Holohoax Tales Jehovah’s Witness Forced to Shoot Jews (1:30 min)

In this yarn by a Jewish "witness" (more likely witless), the Germans play a little trick on the prisoners. The Jehovah Witnesses (JW) among them are told to go to the front, where the Germans insist one of them would shoot a Jew with a revolver [German soldiers seldom carried revolvers, normally pistols like the Luger] or be shot themselves.

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