Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality
Book Review
THIS work of 'Revisionist' research is a tightly-woven, fast-pace opus that will rivet experienced searchers for the truth and those new to the subject. The content is both serious and horrific, but the mood is lifted occasionally by wry comments by Dr Kollerstrom. It is clear that what impelled him to write the hook was: first, a compelling curiosity about the matter; and secondly, a moral need to explain the truth he had discovered -both primary attributes of the European personality …
THE Foreword itself is masterly. Written by well-known American researcher, James H. Fetzer, McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, it covers some of Kollerstrom's contributions to the Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (2007), and his research on the Holocaust, for which he was called 'anti-Semitic' and a 'Holocaust denier', and was promptly dismissed by the University College, London, after 15 years of teaching the History of Science there.
This review appeared in:
Impact, July/August 2015, pp. 14-19
P.O. Box 2055
Jeffreys Bay
South Africa
In his Preface and throughout the book, Dr Kollerstrom gives generous acknowledgment to the many greats of 'Revisionism' who preceded him (some of them Jewish), the work they did, the interviews they conducted, and the books and articles they published. He writes, "I majored in the History and Philosophy of Science precisely because I believed that we are a science-based civilization, and that therefore controversial aspects of historic science and technology should be critiqued and studied." One day it dawned on him that "there was a chemical angle to 'the Holocaust"', which is the How? of the whole matter. Also in the book, he goes into the Why is it taboo to question? (the moral aspect).
In a moving passage, the author discusses the demonising process which "does a lot more than start new wars: it closes down your frontal-lobe capacity for higher reflective thought and erases what possibility we might have had, collectively, to ponder what it means to be human." He writes later: "The fastest way to get expelled from a British university is by saying you are looking at chemical evidence for how Zyklon was used in WWII, with a discussion of how delousing technology functioned in the German WWII labour camps. This is considered to be absolutely forbidden. How strange is that? … Young men had gone out, chipped away bits of old wall, then had their careers terminated by what they found out."
He points to the thousands or tens of thousands right across Europe who have been jailed for the crime of trying to find the truth of what happened seventy years ago. "Europe needs honest debate, where people are allowed to express their views and conclusions about What Really Happened without continually having false motives attributed to them. Europe has no worthwhile future unless it is prepared to have that debate. In my opinion, Revisionists are now going to win any such debates, which is why they cannot be allowed to take place."
Footnote quotes: "Around fifteen thousand German citizens are tried each year for Thought Crimes." (Veterans Today 2010). "It has been estimated that over 58,000 individuals in Germany alone have been prosecuted for various thoughtcrimes during the period 1994-1999. During 1999 alone, Germany's aggressive policy of enforcing these repressive laws accounted for 11,248 convictions." (Smith's Report, Sept. 2009). "Germany has also become the only country in the Western world where defending oneself in court can be unwise, because it risks committing the very offence for which one is charged. Ask Sylvia Stolz. (Santiago Alvarez, The Barnes Review, Aug 2012)
In March 2007, the chemist Germar Rudolf was brought in chains into Mannheim court. He had his career terminated and was thrown into jail for publishing his Report. At his trial he appeared in the courtroom holding a copy of Karl Popper's Objective Knowledge. Popper argued that any scientific hypothesis had to be in principle falsifiable. In other words, it must be testable in such a way that it is exposed to the hazard of refutation. If it doesn't do that, it isn't science. Popper also argued: Reason, like science, grows by way of mutual criticism.
Blelchley Park & Red Cross databases
Seeking primary-source data like any competent researcher would, the author introduces a source which in the late 19905 was released into the public domain: decryptions of weekly messages from the German labour camps by top-secret British wartime intelligence decoded at Bletchley Park [made possible because they had broken the Enigma Code by using the 'Colossus' computer]. The texts of the decrypts plus graphs and bar-charts were placed on by Kollerstrom and colleagues.
Another primary-source, made publicly available in 2013, was the great International Red Cross database on the German concentration camps, which had been kept and developed (now digitized) for years in the little German village of Bad Arolsen. (The Arolsen archive database is now called the ITS, International Tracing Service.)
The Preface lists taxpayer millions spent by Britain on funding Holocaust education, survivors fund, schools, trust funds, travelling exhibitions. At a Stockholm conference in 2000, 31 nations agreed to subject their populations to mass compulsory Holocaust teaching, monitored by a body of government academics, bureaucrats and NGOs which call themselves the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. "This is education in which doubt is prohibited … resembling trauma-based mind-control more than British concepts of education."
Kollerstrom ends the Preface by pointing out that "the number of Jews claiming to be Holocaust survivors greatly exceeds the number of those that ever lived in nations under German control -in WWII … These 'survivors' who claim to be living testimonies to the Holocaust are, as Robert Faurisson has pointed out, by their sheer numbers more like living testimonies that it never happened." About one hundred billion deutschmarks have been given by Germany to 'survivors'.
Zyklon gas & prohibition of freedom of enquiry
The facts about the use of Zyklon for disinfection purposes in the various German work camps from 1942 were twisted by the victorious powers at the end of WWII so as to hide their own crimes (such as bombing German cities and the unarmed civilians who lived there) and to claim the moral high ground. The purpose of using this insecticide was to combat the typhus epidemics that broke out, but the Allies said the Zyklon gas was used to gas six million Jews, and they maintained the story "despite the complete absence of any corroborating physical evidence".
'Horror and Untruth'
It was at Nuremberg in 1946 that the foundation was aid for "Horror and Untruth", writes Kollerstrom. "Horror because we were asked to believe that six million Jews were gassed for no reason whatsoever, and untruth because it never happened … It's time now to let the light shine in, now that the marvellous simplicity of the chemical evidence has appeared. High cyanide levels appear in the walls of the still-existing delousing chambers, and this has not been replicated in the remains of any so-called 'human' gas chamber."
It has to be remembered that Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoss (the primary source of the story) was tortured for three days and nights by a British army hit-team, and his family threatened, before he 'confessed.' His confession used as evidence at the Nuremberg tribunal contained a hotchpotch of distorted 'facts' which were taken as true. (Among them was the physical impossibility that everyone was dead 3-15 minutes after being sprinkled with Zyklon from holes in the roof, with the SS guards – not wearing masks – entering half an hour later to drag the bodies out.) It did not become public knowledge that Höss bad been tortured at Nuremberg until 1983. He was hanged in 1947. The properties of Zyklon are given in the book.
Kollerstrom confirms that "Not a single diagnosis of death by cyanide poisoning bas been ascertained in the German labour camps, nor has any residual cyanide been found in the walls of any of the chambers that are alleged to have been thus used, above normal background levels. Tons of Zyklon B were used in cyanide gas chambers in the German labour camps from mid-1942 onwards, for delousing mattresses etc, a technology used since the 1920s." Over time, the outer walls of buildings that were used as delousing chambers, where Zyklon had been used to kill lice on clothing and mattresses, gradually became more and more blue – just like the inside walls were. No trace of this blue hue could be detected in the much bigger walls of chambers where the gas had allegedly been used, according to the Nuremberg story. "If any building in German WWII labour camps was regularly exposed to hydrogen cyanide, then it must of necessity have significantly elevated levels of iron cyanide in its present-day remains of bricks and mortar. Sixty years of wind and rain cannot wash it out. There is no exception to this, no escape from its implications."
Some interesting sources
When Director Piper of the Auschwitz Museum was interviewed by David Cole in the early 1990s, he shockingly reduced the number who died in the Auschwitz camp from four million to one, or 1.1 million. The notice up at Auschwitz saying four million had to be changed, but the total remained.
Dr Charles Larsen
The U.S. army sent its top pathologist, Dr Charles Larsen, to inspect the camps at the war's end in 1945 to find out what had caused all the deaths. After visiting several labour camps he concluded that they had died from famine and disease, largely typhus. He reported that no systematic mass-cyanide gassing was evident. In 1980 he told his local paper, "No case of poison gassing was ever uncovered."
Prof Jan Van Pelt
In his book The Case for Auschwilz, Prof Jan van Pelt admitted that the big 'gas chamber' at Auschwitz was just a post-war mock-up made for tourists.
Anne Frank
In Anne Frank's diary, it is written that she and her father had spent a while in Auschwitz, where her father got ill from typhus, was looked after in the hospital and recovered. Then, when the camp was overrun by the Russians in 1945, Anne chose to go westwards with the retreating Nazis rather than eastwards with the Russians. Arriving at Belsen, another labour camp, she herself succumbed to the typhus epidemic.

Israel passed its Holocaust Denial law in 1981. Hungary also passed such a law. In 2014 Russia also passed such a law. From 2006, twelve European countries followed this example – Spain, Romania, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, France, Switzerland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Belgium and the Czech Republic – have legislation which legally proscribes any person from questioning the mainstream version under pain of prosecution. However, in 2011 Spain abolished its law prohibiting Holocaust Denial.
Italian author Primo Levi
He describes in his Survival in Auschwitz (1961) his own experience of the Nazi delousing procedure: "Unexpectedly the water gushes out boiling from the showers – five minutes of bliss … " then they are chased from the showers, and sent to the next hut.
German engineer Emil Wüstinger
"For the entire war until now (1944) … a total of 552 chambers with hydrocyanic acid circulatory fumigation systems … are either completed or under construction almost exclusively for the purpose of delousing … Thanks to the many delousing facilities … it has been possible, fortunately, to reduce dramatically the number of cases of typhus and mortality in stark contrast to the earlier years … "
Holocaust exhibition in London War Museum
In this permanent exhibition, nowhere does it say or imply that cyanide gas chambers had people in them. A can of the Zyklon insecticide is on display, and visitors are informed it was used in delousing chambers.
Friedrich Berg
"One simple, effective point against the Hoax is that there are no autopsy reports to show that even one corpse of the tens of thousands found at the end of the war was of a person killed with poison gas or poison anywhere in German-occupied Europe."
Lack of evidence
Kollerstrom states:
"There are no traces of gas chambers as envisioned by the Holocaust lobby; or any traces of bodies anywhere; or any documents anywhere indicating anything resembling a German programme to gas humans; or why not one single record exists documenting any death by cyanide poisoning in any German labour camp."
Visitors to Auschwitz are not taken to see the historic gas chambers but instead are trotted round a post-war-reconstructed built-by-Stalin model.
David Cole's video of his tour of Auschwitz shows the dreaded gas chamber where millions had allegedly been gassed, raising questions about the thin wooden doors, thin glass panels, the central drain in the floor, the fact that cyanide gas is lighter than air. The stories and images are characterized by absolute physical impossibility and non-existence by any possible criterion.
In a section about various investigations, Kollerstrom states that "History cannot be permanently falsified. Step by step, glimmers of truth emerge" and provides a chronology of how aspects of the truth have emerged:
1983 – disclosure of Rudolf Höss's torture. 1988 – The second trial against Ernst Zündel in Toronto led to Fred Leuchter being asked if he would visit Auschwitz and Majdanek camps to give his opinion as a professional homicidal cyanide gas chamber expert as to how they worked; and to take some wall samples. The result was the 'Leuchter Report', translated and published throughout the world. 1992 – David Cole takes a tour (video) of Auschwitz, asks awkward questions, is threatened with death. 2003 – Publication in English of Dissecting the Holocaust with contributions by 22 different authors. (The book was burned and banned in Germany in 1995, but there is a web version). 2003 Publication of the Rudolf Report, showing how his chemical investigation compared to Leuchter's. (Details are given of Germar Rudolf's research. He was. a Ph.D candidate employed at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research.) 2006 – A letter from the manager of Arolsen archive Mr Jost stated that their complete records for 15 of the German labour camps showed not one case of death by cyanide poisoning. 2008 – Kollerstrom integrates the Leuchter and Rudolf databases, for which he is thrown out of the UCL. 2009 – The online Inconvenient History started up, edited by Richard Widman. 2013 – David Cole refuses to apologise. 2013 – Britain's revisionist website evaluates the British Intelligence decrypts from Bletchley Park.
At the historic trial of Emst Zündel in Canada in 1985 (for the crime of publishing in Canada the best-selling booklet Did Six Million Really Die?), witnesses found themselves grilled for the first time ever over the existence of the alleged human gas chambers, and it was found that no such testimony would stand up.
On the fourth day of this trial, Zündel's lawyer Doug Christie put questions to a top Holocaust expert Dr Raul Hilberg, author of the multi-volume The Destruction of the European Jews. "Christie: Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi-occupied territory? Hilberg: I am at a loss. Christie: You are at a loss because you can't. I want one report, before, during or after the war that shows that someone was killed by the use of those gases. Hilberg: You want an autopsy report and I know of no autopsy." He could not cite one scientific report. Likewise he could provide no evidence for a single death as diagnosed due to cyanide poisoning.
Soviet Records, Bletchley, Crematoria
In January 1945 the Soviet army arrived an occupied Auschwitz (in Poland). They captured and took all of the death records of that huge camp. A few months later, Pravda announced the staggering total of all wartime deaths in Auschwitz: four million. The world believed this figure, at a time when the Nuremberg trials were being set up.
The 'death books' were released in 1989 by Soviet President Gorbachev, consisting of 46 volumes that had been captured at Auschwitz, containing the death certificates of 69,000 individuals, of whom about 29,000 were listed as Jews. In 1995 they were published in three thick volumes in Germany. The British Library had a copy, one having a chapter in English giving a statistical breakdown. There were more Catholic deaths than Jewish deaths recorded.
The death books show in their graphs the massive peak in mortality in the summer of 1942, as the great typhus epidemic struck, with a decrease once the Zyklon deliveries arrived at the camps. A second peak in Jan-Feb 1943 occurred as the typhus epidemic re-struck. "The breakdown informs us that 42% of total recorded mortality at the camp was Jewish."
Georges Thiel, jailed for his little classic Heresy, in 21st century France, a case of insubmission to the 'Holocaust' dogma (2010) concludes that "a theoretical maximum of 200,000 authenticated deaths of Jews in all the German camps for the whole National Socialist era [is correct]." Kollerstrom says this should be seen in the context of fifty million deaths for the entire WWII, given that not one can be shown to have been caused by cyanide poisoning in a gas chamber.
The Bletchley decrypts provide a huge body of information about the day-to-day running of the camps, including deaths, hospitalisation of the ill, departures, the ethnic mix of the camps' populations, the use of prisoners ("skilled industrial labour") for war industries especially the synthetic rubber works.
In August 1943 the head of the British Psychological War fare Executive sent a secret telegram from the Foreign Office to Washington and Moscow saying: "On further reflection, we are not convinced that evidence regarding use of gas chambers is substantial enough to justify inclusion in a public declaration … I think that we weaken our case against the Germans by publicly giving credence to atrocity stories for which we have no evidence … "
Crematoria at the Auschwitz complex were working at high levels to cremate the dead -the area being surrounded by rivers, and the swampy ground making normal burial of those who were infected with typhus a health risk for the camps.
Founding principles
The question remains: Why were Jews put into concentration camps in 1938? Some answers follow in Kollerstrom's book: The activities of Jewish organisations like 'Judea Declares War on Germany' in The New York Times and the (London) Daily Express in 1933, as well as books published by the UJC, and a 'holy war' promoted against Germany. "In response to such economic strangulation and threat of war," writes Kollerstrom, "Germany decided to do what … Americans were later to do to potential enemy aliens, the Japanese, by putting them in concentration camps in the USA."
To the further question: What purpose does Holocaust propaganda serve? – some dissident Jews have supplied part of the answer: Uri Avney quotes a famous Jewish philosopher: "Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the philosopher who was an observant orthodox Jew, told me once: 'The Jewish Religion died 200 years ago. Now there is nothing that unifies the Jews around the world apart from the Holocaust'" (quoted in Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who [text online]).
In a section entitled 'Israeli Myths', Jewish dissident thinkers give their views, including Gilad Atzmon: "Jewish history is a phantasmic tale that is there to make the Jews happy and the Goyim [gentiles] behave themselves." Also: "In my formative years I blindly accepted everything they told us about our 'collective' Jewish past: The Kingdom of David, Massada, and the Holocaust: the soap, the lampshades, the death march and the six million … What is the Holocaust religion there to conceal? As long as we fail to ask questions, we will be subjected to Zionist agents and their plots. We will continue killing in the name of Jewish suffering." Paul Grubach, in his The Holocaust as Sacred Myth and Ideology, says that sacred myth is an illustration or parable endowed with a 'sacred' quality, endowing them with an air of legitimacy.
Arthur Koestler in his The 13th Tribe is quoted, as is Tel Aviv University historian Prof Shlomo Sand in his Invention of the Jewish People.
Kollerstrom writes: "The Holocaust appears as a founding myth of Israel and is as such beyond rational debate or polite doubt. The story, created by British and American military intelligence over 1942-1945, was axiomatic during the Nuremberg Trials."
A passage is quoted entitled, 'The Holocaust: The New Founding Myth of American Society':
"In 1996 Roger Garaudy created a tremendous scandal with his book 'The Founding Myths of Modern Israel'. This book identified several myths that were critical for the founding of Israel including what Garaudy called 'The Myth of the Six Million' … [Widman continues] The American public has found that condemnation of nation is not enough. Today White culture and European heritage are denounced for being ultimately responsible for the thinking and ideologies that resulted in the Holocaust … If the Holocaust as we know it was the result of propaganda lies, faulty memories and fanciful exaggerations, then the revision and correction of the historical record is not a matter for academics and historians alone. In fact, Holocaust revision may be the only way to save our nation from the Orwellian nightmare into which it is sinking, and return us to our original founding principles and values. Holocaust revisionism, far from [being] useless or evil, is a key to saving our nation from the corrupt cultural transformation that is currently underway."
The Mantra
In Chapter 10, one fact after the other piles up. The author writes that at the Nuremberg trials, there was no hint that anyone had counted or attempted to estimate any such number as 6 million. Rather it came to be affirmed (by the US delegates who were 75% Jewish) that six million Jews had been exterminated. As French historian Vincent Reynouard stated: "At Nuremberg, no statistical study was ever undertaken to attempt to determine the number of missing Jews."
The totemic number of six-million began in America around 1900 as a fund-raising stunt. In addition, a list is given of another 166 pre-Nuremberg Six-Million sources from 1900 to 1945, after which the figure of 4-million is given of those who have received pay-outs for compensation from Germany.
The transit camps of Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka (of which little remains) were basically railway station encampments positioned close to Poland's border with Russia. This was important because of the hope of eventually sending deportees through to the German-controlled Russian territories. One problem was that the Russian rail gauge was wider than the German and other European gauge, so the transit camps housed the deportees until they could be transported to the Russian side and onto trains there.
In order to keep the flame of controversy alive, on 18 January 2012, the London Daily Mail headline proclaimed: "British archaeologist destroys Holocaust deniers' argument with mass grave find at Treblinka". According to this, a British scientist claims to have found mass graves using 'ground penetrating radar'. This radar was to be used because Jewish burial sites supposedly cannot be disturbed. "Some 800,000 Jews were killed at the site, in north-east Poland, during WWII but a lack of physical evidence in the area has been exploited by Holocaust deniers."
Kollerstrom puts the situation into perspective by mentioning that at this transit camp some 20 to 30 German staff plus admin ran the camp with a hundred Ukrainian security guards. Yet, in a 9-month period, it is alleged that a population equivalent to the city of San Francisco was exterminated by diesel exhaust gas. In an open space of some five acres the remains of nearly one million people are being searched for, using modern equipment.
"NO one knew exactly how German science had managed to accomplish the mass murder of people without leaving a trace." Israel Cymkich, Escaping Hell in Treblinka (2007)
"YES, Treblinka is in fact the most fitting landmark for the Holocaust, a mirage of a multi-million genocide in gas chambers of which not the slightest documentary or material trace exists." Jürgen Graf, Treblinka, Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? (TBR 2010)
Subsequently, the BBC explained that "the ground cannot be disturbed". That "no geophysical methods will reveal conclusively what is below the soil, they do not detect human remains." And so, "any doubts about the existence of mass graves at the Treblinka death camp in Poland are being laid to rest by the first survey of the site using tools that see below the ground."
The story changes
Originally the means of extermination alleged at Treblinka had been steam; the Nuremberg Military Tribunal heard from the Polish Government that the Jews had been steamed like lobsters to their deaths. That phase of the narrative didn't last very long, and soon the cause of death settled down to diesel exhaust. Then, some decades later, it became apparent that diesel exhaust could not actually be lethal. A 1999 report by Australian Richard Krege found as a result of an archaeological survey only "undisturbed soil, sand and rocks beneath the ground to a depth of 6 metres, they found no individual or mass graves, fragments of skeletons, human ashes, wood ashes, ground irregularities, construction compounds, remains of tree stumps, or gold teeth."
Treblinka, which began receiving trainloads of Jewish deportees in July 1942, served the function of delousing deportees travelling East from the Warsaw ghettos. Exterminist historians are stuck with the diesel-gas absurdity, which they cannot renounce without invalidating Rudolf Höss's 'confession' under torture in which he 'confessed' to having seen how the diesel gas was used to gas people at Treblinka.
Looking at Auschwitz
Auschwitz, an old industrial town in the upper Silesian plateau, developed into a major wartime production centre. The enormous Auschwitz complex was positioned in Poland because of the resources there, especially coal, which Germany needed for its industrial and wartime munitions factories. The most significant aspect was the production of artificial rubber and petroleum from coal. On 16 February 1942, all concentration camps were incorporated into the war economy and munitions industry. Birkenau, a part of the Auschwitz complex, served as the camp for those inmates who were declared unsuited for work. In July 1942 a devastating typhus epidemic broke out in Birkenau. As many as 20,000 died within 3 months. That is why a large number of crematoria for burning the bodies was built in Birkenau.
What was at Auschwitz? There were blast furnaces, rubber manufacture and industrial conversion of coal into oil [such as Sasol in South Africa using the same technology up to today], an arms manufacturing camp where inmates went to work each day. Sick prisoners were given medical care, most of them nursed back to health; a dental unit, a kitchen barracks. Elie Wiesel and Ann's father Otto Franck both received treatment there and recovered. Thus, writes Kollerstrom, the two most famous narratives of the Holocaust both entail successful hospital treatment.
There was an in-camp court and jail, marriages, 3,000 births recorded at the maternity hospital, and a day-care centre for children. There was a library, camp orchestras, childrens' choir, an educational centre, a theatre, a cinema, a swimming pool, facilities for soccer, baseball and water ball games, a post office, sleeping barracks. Inmates were paid for their labour with money for use inside the camps. The SS instituted productivity recompenses for Jewish inmates.
In the ongoing struggle against typhus and to reduce camp mortality, the delousing chambers operating with cyanide gas were eventually replaced by microwave delousing devices. As the largest labour complex in the country Auschwitz received special treatment.
The book contains many excerpts from memoirs of inmates and camp staff. Sabotage could easily have been committed, but there was not a single instance. Some inmates experimented in their spare time with making radio sets.
UNDER his 'Turning of the Tide' section, Kollerstrom quotes an excerpt from the well-known American commentator John Kaminski:
"All those emaciated bodies you see ill the WWII film clips were actually caused by starvation and typhus after Allied bombings cut off the German supply lines.
"The Germans didn't gas anyone: they only tried to get their country out of the international Jewish financial crime scheme that was and is choking the life out of the planet."
This statement about international finance reminds us of an aspect which Kollerstrom has not addressed, no doubt realising that such a huge subject would make this book too long.
For brevity's sake, we ask the question: What made the Allies decide to declare war on the three Axis powers, Germany, Italy and Japan? Among other considerations, each of the three had perforce introduced banking reform in their countries. In 1932 Japan re-organised the Bank of Japan (Nippon Ginko) into a state bank, and completed it in 1942. In Italy, Mussolini converted the Banca d'Italia into a state bank in 1936. And when sanctions were imposed on Germany in the 1930s, the government sought ways and means to avoid the debt system, introducing the successful barter system with other countries, thereby (as with its Axis partners) Germany was released from the Rothschild control of the central banks. In 1939 a German state bank was formed in Germany.
One of the first acts of the U.S. occupying forces in Japan in September 1945 was to restructure the Japanese banking system so as to make it compliant with the norms of the international bankers.
When we remember how many other countries were ruined by war being waged on them at the behest of international finance, and how many leaders were murdered (Lincoln, John Kennedy, Gaddafi, to name but a few) for daring to start up their own monetary system, a pattern emerges.
Kollerstrom does, however, introduce a footnote (290) of a paragraph from J.B. Campbell's Behind the Holocaust: What was Hitler s unforgivable sin:
"Hitler came to power over a bankrupt and starving country [at the end of WWI] with unemployment at roughly 50%. The Americans had stolen all German's gold by the early '20s. Hitler … issued debt-free currency based on Abraham Lincoln's debt-free currency. What they did led to the swift regeneration of the German economy and the world's greatest prosperity of the working class, while the rest of the world stayed mired in the Great Depression being run by … central bankers. This was the worst possible crime and had to be punished by the most terrible war in human history, including fire-bombings of entire cities and deliberate mass starvation of millions following the war. Our [Allied] nuclear bombs would have been dropped on Germany but they weren't ready in time, so they were dropped on Germany's allies who were trying to surrender."
In April 1945 US-UK bombing destroyed all the German efforts to establish an orderly system at Auschwitz. Railways, the industrial works and health facilities were destroyed. Plagues raged. The International Red Cross's Report of 1948 described "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" whereby typhus and famine took over. Two and a half million tons of US-UK bombs destroyed infrastructure. The camps thus became death camps, with no food, no transportation system. Kollerstrom remarks that "In dealing with the Red Cross's comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis-occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate Jews. In all its 1.600 pages the Report never hints at any human gas chambers."
Some little-known facts
- The Jewish community in Berlin attended their synagogue right through the war, while Berlin's Hospital of the Jewish Community functioned throughout the war, similar to Vienna.
- Within the German military, about 150,000 half-Jews served.
- "For the entire duration of the war, millions of European Jews lived, plain for all the see, amidst the rest of the population." (Robert Faurisson)
- "That no one has ever found a written order for the physical extermination of the Jews originating with Adolf Hitler or any other leading NS politician is agreed upon by historians of all orientations." (Swiss revisionist, Jürgen Graf)
- The camps were originally set up to receive a huge exodus of Jews, Poles, Gypsies and assorted war refugees. The goal was to send them to places like Madagascar, but that never materialized.
Kollerstrom's book contains a wealth of information, obviously more than has been outlined in this review, and in much greater scientific/statistical detail.
In his Epilogue, Kollerstrom summarises the 'startling achievements' of the Nuremberg trial as being three-fold: First, the imposition of an act of collective amnesia, whereby the normal use of Zyklon the insecticide throughout all the labour camps became forgotten. Secondly, dreamed-up new laws out of nothing and retrospectively – ex post facto – tried and hanged the defeated Nazis for violating them, even though these laws may have applied at least as much to the UK and France and Poland for starting WWII as they did to Germany …. Thirdly, from about 1940 the newspaper headlines started to proclaim that 6 million are being exterminated by Hitler, or are in danger of being exterminated; then finally by Nuremberg it is in the past tense, they have been exterminated.
This book, he stresses, has attempted to outline a clash between rational science and what appears as a new Holocaustian religion, where belief is compulsory.
"How did Nuremberg dream up six million gassed without having so much as one single gassed body to inspect? It must have taken a powerful spell-weaver to achieve that level of enchantment. But now I'm afraid it's all over. The show has to end. Like a space pilot desirous of steering clear of a Black Hole, we need to avoid negative thought-structures, designed to convey that which has no substance, and instead employ normal historiography whereby normal evidence is first assembled and then a conclusion is through uncensored debate drawn from it.
"It's time for Germany to let its historians and thought criminals out of jail. Let Germany be allowed to write its own history. Let it write its own constitution. What other war ended with the defeated nation compelled by law to accept the victor's war myths, for ever after? … Who is in control of the past? Does somebody own it? Will they put you in jail if you disagree?"
He ends with a four-line poem, whose last line is:
"Proclaim the sacred heresy of Truth. "
The book contains four Appendices; a Select Bibliography; a List of Books Quoted; an Index; Footnotes
Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality, by Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, 256 pages, soft cover. Published by Castle Hill Publishers (2nd edition August 2015); ISBN 978-1 -59148-097-6
Distribution: Castle Hill Publishers, P.O. Box 243, Uckfield, TN22 9AW, England,
TBR Books, The Barnes Review, P.O. Box 15877, Washington D.C. 20003, USA
Price: £20 or $25
Bibliographic information about this document: Impact, August-September 2015, pp. 14-19
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a