Can This Be It? A Final Solution to the Final Solution?
Last month's SR gave a brief description of Samuel Crowell’s brilliant “Technique and Operation of the German Anti-Gas Shelters in World War II: A Refutation of J.C. Pressac’s 'Criminal Traces,'” as it was newly posted to CODOH’s WWW site, CODOHWeb. Now you can read and savor this breakthrough article, in its hot-off-the-computer updated version.
Yes, we're requesting a sizable donation. But when you’ve finished this meticulously researched, clearly written demystification of many of the last remaining mysteries of the enigmatic, still vaguely sinister ruins at Auschwitz-Birkenau, you’ll agree that Crowell's piece dispels virtually all remaining doubts as to whether these crematoria were designed, or even modified, for mass gassing—the very core of the Holocaust myth now inflicted on Germany, America, and the world.
Why? In a nutshell, because Crowell marshals, using German technical and commercial literature, overwhelming evidence that the “criminal traces” that the exterminationists’ leading expert on the crematoria, Frenchman J.C. Pressac, claims to have discovered in words, illustrations and hardware relating to the crematoria, are in fact standard terminology and fittings for sealing bomb shelters from gas—from without!—rather than sealing “gas chambers” to keep gas within.
Our illustration—from Crowell’s text—is just one of half a dozen substantiating his thesis. Do you remember those doors with the special peepholes so that—according to one of the viler Holocaust lies—Nazi sadists could peer in and gloat as they observed their victims’ death throes? Well, here it is as a standard item on a bomb shelter—as depicted in a prewar(!) advertisement (the peephole was to allow air wardens to inspect the safety and needs of those in the shelter).
Multiply this times two or three dozen more specific, devastating explanations of what Pressac (and his followers) think is evidence for German mass murder at Auschwitz, add Crowell’s lucid explanation of the aerial gas-warfare fears that made such measures standard in German bomb shelters, either primary or makeshift (like the Birkenau crematoria), and you’ve got, well—a final solution to the Final Solution!
33pp. (aprox 20,000 words). Spiral bound.
Plastic covers. Contribution: $25
Your contribution helps us put and maintain this article—and many more like it—on CODOHWeb; to advertise these to college and university students; and to accomplish everything possible in the time to come.
Bradley R. Smith
[Offer no longer valid; Crowell's research has since been expanded and updated and was published as a book in 2010: The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes; ed.]
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 43, May 1997, p. 8
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a