About Revisionism and Historiography

On the reasons and goals of revising historical narratives, on Revisionism as a “movement,” covering topics such as its history and objectives, and on the techniques and politics of writing about history in general.

Promoting Revisionism

Around the turn of the millennium, an anonymous author wrote a brochure titled Auschwitz: Facts versus Fiction, had it printed in great numbers, and wanted Castle Hill Publishers to distribute it from the UK. Castle Hill agreed initially, stocked it, and added it to its sales website. On closer inspection, it turned out that the…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) OF SERIES Chap 2 The Number Peter Winter (27:49 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMF) OF SERIES Chap 2 The Number Peter Winter In this (27 minute) video, Jim Rizoli reviews the second chapter of Peter Winters book The Six Million Fact or Fiction which was released in 2018. In this chapter, Peter Winter reviews the number of Jews under German control –…

Prof. Robert Faurisson at the 9TH IHR 1989 (1:09:23)

Prof. Robert Faurisson at the 9TH IHR 1989. The historian Mark Weber introduces the highly popular and well respected Professor Robert Faurissson to the stand at the 9th International Revisionist Conference 1989. Mark gives Professor Faurisson a long and marvelous tribute. Professor Faurisson has done exceptional work in his native France in exposing the "Holoco$t"…

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