About Revisionism and Historiography

On the reasons and goals of revising historical narratives, on Revisionism as a “movement,” covering topics such as its history and objectives, and on the techniques and politics of writing about history in general.

Now Available Inconvenient History Hardbound Annual Vol. II

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 2 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book contains 598 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 2 contains all the content from our 4 issues from 2010. You will receive a…

Inconvenient History 2009 Hardbound Annual now available!

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 1 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book is 296 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 1, contains all the content from our 3 issues from 2009. You will receive a…

Learning Nothing from the Past

By Richard A. Widmann- In stark opposition to George Santayana’s now clichéd quote about learning from history, revisionist pioneer Harry Barnes in his  History and Social Intelligence  boldly noted that he did “not accept the view that history can in many cases be directly useful to the present generation through the discovery of alleged specific…

A Call for Dissident Writers

By Richard A. Widmann- Today certain historical studies are strongly discouraged and in certain once-free democracies even outlawed. But a recent interest in discovering the facts about the twentieth century’s two world wars and their aftermath as well as the consequences of those events inspires us with new courage and optimism. Harry Barnes said that…

A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry

By Richard A. Widmann- Slightly over 30 years ago, James J. Martin, one of the deans of revisionist history of the twentieth century coined the term “Inconvenient History” with his collection of essays, The Saga of Hog Island. Long before Al Gore would speculate on the “Inconvenient Truth” of global warming, James Martin was already…

Statement of Intent

Why did we choose "Inconvenient History" as the title for our Blog? Allow us to explain. First, we will concentrate mainly on the history of World War II and the Third Reich, but ideally we should actually go back to 1871, when Germany was united under Bismarck. At that time, and Bismarck realized this, Germany…

Did Columbus Discover America?

There are two types of knowledge in a society. The commonly accepted and the arcane and unproved. Everybody knows that 2+2=4. That's common knowledge. In the 1400's, everyone knew that too. But there was other knowledge, rarer, not as widely known, contradicting the popular wisdom, and not yet demonstrated. Copernicus did not “discover” that the…

Revisionism and the Promotion of Peace

During the last forty years or so, Revisionism has become a fighting term. To so-called Revisionists, it implies an honest search for historical truth and the discrediting of misleading myths that are a barrier to peace and goodwill among nations. In the minds of anti-Revisionists, the term savors of malice, vindictiveness, and an unholy desire…

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