Documentaries, Lectures, Presentations

The number of our documentaries and presentations is steadily growing. To trim it down to what we think is essential, we have compiled, on the first part of this page, a list of highly recommended documentaries with a brief description (sorted chronologically by their release date). Many of these videos are hosted on the Holocaust Handbooks website. (Hover the mouse over the poster to see the link where it leads.) Rather than copying it from there (and having to manually update it in case of newer versions), clicking on the below video posters will lead you to the website and page where each video is hosted. For more videos posted or linked to on CODOH, please see the list below. Please enjoy the view!

Holocaust Typhus and Zyklon B

Holocaust Typhus and Zyklon B This video (10 minutes) reports on the various methods used by the Germans to combat Typhus. Their main weapon was the use of a fumigant called Zyclon B [Zyclon is the German word for Cyclone] to kill lice, bugs, fleas and other vermin which carried the disease. This is a cyanide…

Defamation (1:28:19)

Defamation (Hebrew: השמצה‎; translit. Hashmatsa) is a 2009 documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Yoav Shamir. It examines anti-semitism and, in particular, the way perceptions of antisemitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. Defamation won Best Documentary Feature Film at the 2009 Asia Pacific Screen Awards. Interesting? Yes, the film is peculiar in the sense, that this…

On the Background of CODOH’s “Campus Project”, and Pressac’s 1989 book on Auschwitz (1992, 1:14:21 min)

Prof. Arthur Butz speaks at the 11th Conference of the Institute for Historical Review in 1992 with an introduction by Mark Weber. Professor Butz gives a background to Bradley Smith’s/CODOH’s  Campus Project (first 20 minutes), and his critical remarks on Jean-Claude Pressac’s 1989 book Auschwitz: Technuqie and Operation of the Gas Chambers (New York: Beate…

Memorabilia: Germar Rudolf’s 1999 Slide Show about the Alleged Nazi Gas Chambers

Here is one of Germar Rudolf’s first appearances in public in the USA, illustrating his forensic findings about the alleged Nazi gas chambers with an excellent slide show at David Irving’s 1999 Real History Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. With an introduction and commentary by Mr. Irving. Germar Rudolf is the present leader of CODOH. Germar,…

The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt

Abstract With her book Denying the Holocaust, Deborah Lipstadt tried to show the flawed methods and extremist motives of “Holocaust deniers,” who, so the book’s description claims, have “no more credibility than the assertion that the earth is flat.” The following is the transcript a video documentary based on the book Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust.”…

UK Holocaust Memorial Museum: I Challenge the British Authorities

Next year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London, near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks: 1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka,…

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