
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Germar Rudolf looks at the David Irving and Lipstadt Case

Germar Rudolf looks at the David Irving and Lipstadt Case. Germar looks (One hour) at the "evidence" presented by Lipstadt in the Irving v Lipstadt legal case. Germar relates the facts regarding so called "gas chambers" and "mass executions" by the Germans in the period 1939 – 1945. Lipstadt, a Zionist, falsely claims a number…

Memorabilia: Breaking The Spell (of the Holocaust) with Dr Nick Kollerstrom

An extensive interview with scientist Nicholas Kollerstrom (2015) on his book "Breaking the Spell" published by Castle Hill Publications. Here, Dr. Kollerstrom talks about the persecution and isolation that he has suffered after the publication of his book. Interviewed on February 25, 2015 – Henrik Palmgren (Red Ice Radio) hosts Nicholas Kollerstrom and discusses Breaking The Spell,…

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