
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) Chapter 17 DACHAU (17:46 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) Chapter 17 DACHAU. Here Jim Rizoli, of Rezolitv.continues his review (17 minutes) of SMFOF by looking at Dachau. Jim comments on the so-called "gas chamber" at Dachau. It is actually a shower bath as the German name (Brausebad). Jim comments that the "Brausebad" was "reconstructed" after the war…

(TSMFOF) SERIES Appendices 2,3 Groening Case and REAL Auschwitz Camp Sept 22 2021 (29:46 min)

(TSMFOF) SERIES Appendices 2,3 Groening Case and REAL Auschwitz Camp Sept 22 2021 Jim Rizoli, fighter against the "Holocau$t" lie continues his review of The Six Million Fact or Fortune by Peter Winter. Here he looks at Appendices 2 & 3. Appendix 2 concerns the trial of Oskar Groening, a SS NCO, at Auschwitz who…

Holohoax Tales Naked Dancer Disarms SS Guard with Dancing Skills at Gas Chamber (2:10 min)

Holohoax Tales Naked Dancer Disarms SS Guard with Dancing Skills at Gas Chamber. A Jewish Witless claims that in 5 to 20 minutes the Zyclon B gas disposed of the Jews in the "gas chamber". However, some Jewish babies survived as their mothers had clung onto them very closely. The SS would then shoot the babies, despite…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 11-12 Peter Winter (18:16 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 11-12 Peter Winter. Jim Rizoli continues his review of the above book, adding comments to each section. The various sections are:- Section 67 – the 'Reinhard' camps, why the name, which camps were in the Reinhard operation. Peter comments on the bizarre testimonies from"survivors. Section 68…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 9-10 Peter Winter (53:46 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 9-10 Peter Winter. Veteran battler against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie, Jim Rizoli continues his review of Peter Winter's amazing book. Here (53 minutes) he looks at Chapter 9 & 10. Section 46 talks about the alleged "Extermination" camps. Jim points out they were all captured by the…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chapter 8 Peter Winter (16:41 min)

Jim Rizoli, courageous fighter against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie continues his review of Peter Winter's book by looking at Chapter 8. Section 44 looks at "confessions" made by German soldiers and asks why did Germans confess? Peter devotes a lot of time to this passage. He writes that in April 1989, Joscha Fischer, the Foreign…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 6-7 Peter Winter (17:07 min)

Veteran battler for the truth, Jim Rizoli continues his review of Peter Winter's book, The Holocaust Fact or Fiction. Section 39 deals with the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann by the Zionists and the show trial that followed. Eichmann only admitted to deporting Jews, that was his job, but not murdering. It didn't matter he was…

Fred Leuchter Examines the Fake Gas Chambers in Poland with Ernst Zündel (1:15:22)

Fred Leuchter Examines the Fake Gas Chambers in Poland with Ernst Zundel Ernst Zundel takes the floor in this meeting at the Zundelhaus in Toronto, Canada, 1989, in this Samisdat produced video (One hour 15 minutes). He welcomes his friends and supporters. Ernst thanks those helpers for all their good work by name. As one can see…

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