Fact Check: Israel’s Holocaust Denial UN Resolution Speech (8:23Min)
Ambassador Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations makes a number of false statements during his Holocaust Denial Resolution speech.
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By Germanica ∙ January 21, 2022
Ambassador Gilad Erdan, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations makes a number of false statements during his Holocaust Denial Resolution speech.
By Adolf Hitler ∙ January 20, 2022
Hitler's Final Testament the Ultimate Red Pill Jim Rizoli of Rizolitv.com talks (26 minutes) about a recent clip by Mike King regarding Hitler's Final Testament. Jim notes that this document is the ultimate red pill. [Note: In the film the Matrix, the "hero" of offered the choice a red pill which reveals the (horrific) truth…
By Jim Rizoli ∙ January 20, 2022
The Holocaust Unveiled This video (one hour and eleven minutes) looks at the incredible level of violence that is meted out to those heroic individuals who expose the "Holoco$t" as a lie. Every effort is made by Zionist organisations to prevent the information getting out. All sorts of repression is brought into action, from bombs,…
By Owen Benjamin ∙ January 20, 2022
Jim Rizoli of Rizolitv.com talks (11 minutes) about Owen Benjamin. Owen Benjamin Smith is an alt-right personality, an comedian and internet poster. He has been banned from vaious platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, youtube) for his views on the "Holoco$t". Here, Jim plays a clip from a recent podcast from Owen stating his reasons for…
By Ernst Zündel ∙ January 20, 2022
Ernest Zundel continues to talks frankly about his life in this Samisdat produced video (44 minutes) in July 1999. Here, Ernst talks about his views on a number of subjects. He talks about Hitler and National Socialism, the so-called "Democracy" in various countries, the gulf that is developing between the ordinary people with their…
By Ernst Zündel ∙ January 19, 2022
Ernest Zundel : The Ultimate Interview Part 1 (of 2) Ernest Zundel talks frankly about his life in this Samisdat produced video (One hours, 15 minutes). He tells about his background in his native Germany. His father was was a Protestant, and his mother was a Catholic. Ernst's father was also a passionate Social Democrat….
By Eric Hunt ∙ January 13, 2022
Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't See in Hollywood
By Ernst Zündel ∙ January 12, 2022
Ernst Zundel Hosts Ewald Althans In this superb video (one hour 44 minutes), Ernst Zundel hosts at the Zundelhaus ib Toronto, Canada, Ewald Althans, a German active against the Holoco$t lie. After, a short speech, Ernst introduces two delightful young German girls. They play and sing a lovely song to the audience. Ewald then takes the…
By Jim Rizoli ∙ January 12, 2022
Cremation Nonsense Jim Rizoli, of rizolitv.com responds to a message in response to his recent showing of a clip by Owen Benjamin, regarding cremations. Jim shows that crematory ovens need to be maintained, started up and allowed to cool, and the bricks replaced after a certain number of cremations, etc. Just simple arithmatic disproves the…
By Jim Rizoli ∙ January 11, 2022
Japanese Internment Camps Vs. Jews in Germany
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