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Faking the Holocaust.

In this (three minute) video, six photos doctored by the Allies are shown. The technique of "photomontage" was developed by a Communist Jew in Austria, called Raoul Hausmann. This was later taken up by another Communist Jew called Helmut Herzfeld. He later "changed" his name to John Heartfield. He produced a large number of photomontages for the…

The Father of Holocaust Revisionism was in a Concentration Camp

Yehuda Bauer talks about the first academic Holocaust revisionist Paul Rassinier. Paul Rassinier (1906 – 1967) was a French pacifist, political activist, and author who is viewed as "the father of Holocaust Revisionisn". He was also a member of the French resistance who survived Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora concentration camps. Hearing that other prisoners were claiming that "gas chambers" existed at Buchenwald, he was…

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