
What influence is exercised on a society, when its children, from a very young age, are constantly bombarded with atrocity stories in books, documentaries and movies, depicting certain ethnic groups as diabolically evil perpetrators, and another as composed of innocent victims deserving all the compassion we can muster? Depicting history and the world in unrealistic black and white patterns must deform a society. Papers listed here address this issue.

The Holocaust Happened

In January 2004, yet another memorial is due to open to commemorate the Holocaust. This memorial, a huge abstract affair, is to be constructed near Berlin's famous historic landmark, the Brandenburg Gate. Although 50 million marks have been promised by the German government to cover the building costs of the memorial, an organization called the…

Diagnosis without Cure

The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, Patrick J. Buchanan, New York, 2002 The title of Pat Buchanan's latest book instantly brings to mind Oswald Spengler's classic two-volume study, The Decline of the West. The similarities between these efforts, however, end with the title. While Spengler's…

Uncle Remus Goes to Dachau

In Berlin the other day the Berlin chapter of B'nai B'rith bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg award on Paul Parks, 77, a Boston civil rights leader who has long been active in Massachusetts politics. The occasion of Parks' honor stems from his claim that he liberated the concentration camp at Dachau, and was, in fact the…

Vampire Killers

March 14, 2001 Folk stories about vampires provide readers with various remedies to the calamity of a ghoulish attack. A fistful of graveyard dirt is favoured, garlic is beneficial, and the cross is most efficient. But these remedies don't always work. In Roman Polanski's hilarious horror comedy, “The Fearless Vampire Killers,” the hero tries to…

Thought Experiment

Suppose one day you opened your Sunday paper and found out that a bunch of activist Christians had gotten together and taken out an ad declaring that Judaism was not responsible for the Russian Revolution. You would probably think they were a little bit crazy to even say that, the second thing you might think…

Revisionism In a Nutshell

If we were to sum up Holocaust Revisionism in one sentence, we should say: Yes, there was a Holocaust, but No, there were no gas chambers. The gas chambers were a product of wartime propaganda. Mass media propaganda in turn generated mass hysteria about mass murder. There are three political and three psychological reasons why…

The Anatomy of a Riot

The following is a couple of headlines that appeared in two Toronto dailies on Monday, May 31, in the aftermath of the Allan Gardens riot that occurred in Toronto on Sunday, May 30, 1965: Mob Beats 'Nazis' in Park Hate-Riot [The Toronto Telegram, front-page headline]…mob shouts 'kill, kill, kill' as it looks for Nazis [part…

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