
Does the orthodox Holocaust narrative serve to make the world a more peaceful place, or is it a means to drive the world to war and mayhem again and again? Articles listed here scrutinize this question.

Tackling Zionism’s and Judaism’s Sword and Shield

Presentation delivered on June 30, 2024, at the First J[ewish]P[problem] Conference in Kentucky. Download this video here by right-clicking on this link, then pick “Save Link As…”. Download this presentation’s transcript here. Download this presentation’s subtitle file here. This video has also been posted in numerous version on BitChute and Rumble: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7sHsmlx2yygY https://www.bitchute.com/video/k8880a49tr8T https://www.bitchute.com/video/zf7x6LqtxzK0 https://rumble.com/v54tiyx…

The Holocaust’s Visit to Yad Vashem

A far left  Israeli Actress known for staging politically provocative plays caused a stir yet again on Tuesday when she posted a controversial monologue on YouTube which she performed in front of the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. A few weeks ago, the actress, Natali Cohen Vaxberg, arrived at…

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