
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

Widespread Holocaust Doubts in Sweden

Nearly 30 percent of Sweden's elementary and secondary school pupils “have doubts” about the orthodox Holocaust extermination story, a recent survey shows. Calling this “an appalling warning sign,” Prime Minister Goeran Persson responded by promising that his government will increase its emphasis on “Holocaust education.” Beginning this fall, he said, the government will offer “Holocaust…

A Dangerous Guilt Complex

For the Jews the [Holocaust] story has become an indispensable part of their religious heritage, very much like the plight Israel’s children had to endure in Egypt or the destruction of the second temple. For non-Jews as well, the Holocaust has gradually been transformed into a religious myth … Even the slightest criticism of Jews…

Historians Expose Myths of Israel’s Birth

Rachelle Marshall is a free-lance editor living in Stanford, California. A member of the International Jewish Peace Union, she writes frequently on the Middle East. This article is reprinted from the July-August 1995 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009). Every country has its myths – stories…

Why the Holocaust Must Remain a Dogma

An Italian Voice for Freedom Now in its 17th year of publication, an impressive Italian journal, l’Uomo libero (“The Free Man”), has been a consistently intelligent and outspoken champion of free speech and intellectual inquiry, and a staunch defender of Europe’s cultural heritage. Editorial director is Mario Consoli, who is also a frequent contributor. The…

World War II and the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

Robert Higgs is research director for the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, the author of Crisis and Leviathan, and the editor of Arms, Politics, and the Economy. This essay is reprinted from the May 1995 issue of Freedom Daily, published monthly by the Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF), 11350 Random Hills Rd., Ste. 800, Fairfax,…

Imposing a Guilt Complex

Jürgen Graf, born in 1951, is a Swiss educator who makes his home near Basel. In March 1993, following the publication of his 112-page book, Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand (“The Holocaust on the Test Stand”), he was summarily dismissed from his post as a secondary school teacher of Latin and French. (See the Sept.-Oct….

A German Takes His Life to Protest Defamation and Historical Lies

At about eight o'clock in the evening of Tuesday, April 25, 1995, a retired German chemist walked to a prominent memorial hall in downtown Munich, poured a flammable liquid over himself, and set himself on fire. Reinhold Elstner, 75 years old, took his life in this gruesome, painful fashion to protest against a half century…

The Holocaust Campaign: A Threat To Christianity

Eric D. Butler is founder and former national director of the Australian League of Rights (G.P.O Box 1052J, Melbourne, Vic. 3001, Australia). Dedicated to conservative, free enterprise, and Christian principles, the League has played an active and influential role in Australia's public life since its founding in 1946. In addition to a weekly newsletter, On…

Some Lessons After Fifty Years

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, author and lecturer. He is a former senior editor of National Review, and currently Washington, DC, correspondent for The Wanderer and the Rothbard-Rockwell Report. He edits a monthly newsletter, Sobran's (… [now defunct; ed]). “Holy War” first appeared in the May 18, 1995, issue of The Wanderer, a traditionalist…

Three Jewish Views

'Disease' of 'Holocaust Teaching' … I find something obscene and irrelevant about the widespread concern in Jewish and friendly Christian educational circles with “Teaching the Holocaust.” There is no need to teach the Holocaust; humanity already knows only too well how to do it. One of the most ghoulish “Teaching the Holocaust” devices I have…

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