US History

Events of U.S. history after Columbus’ re-discovery of America in 1492 AD

The Holocaust: The New Founding Myth of American Society

The American public overwhelmingly accepts the basic tenets of the Holocaust. It is nearly incomprehensible to most people that there are some who are willing risk their life and liberty to revise or even deny the main pillars of the Holocaust story – the Six Million, the Hitler-ordered extermination of Jews, and the use of…

The Revisionist Clarion — Monthly Newsletter about Historical Revisionism and the Crisis of Imperial Powers — World Wars / Colonial Wars in the making / Future Wars

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Our War Films Come Back To Haunt Us

It is discomforting, if not embarrassing, when watching films Hollywood made about W.W. II, to note the parallel between ourselves and the Germans; especially regarding occupation. There are those who will say we bear no resemblance, that we stand for liberty and freedom, but it is we of course who say this, just as the…

George Bush versus Revisionism

On Monday, June 16, 2003 news headlines across the United States announced the latest target of President George W. Bush’s wrath-Revisionist historians. Strangely as Bush was shifting his focus from al Qaeda and Iraq to Iran, he decided to take a shot at Revisionists. One headline screamed, “Bush Blasts ‘Revisionist Historians’ on Iraq.”[1] Harry Barnes,…

Diagnosis without Cure

The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, Patrick J. Buchanan, New York, 2002 The title of Pat Buchanan's latest book instantly brings to mind Oswald Spengler's classic two-volume study, The Decline of the West. The similarities between these efforts, however, end with the title. While Spengler's…

Not Pearl Harbor II

Following the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th, various commentators have attempted to explain the event to their audiences. One frequent allusion was that of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Perhaps Disney's recent film was stuck in the minds of our media as some even dubbed the…

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