US History

Events of U.S. history after Columbus’ re-discovery of America in 1492 AD

Taking Sides: America’s Secret Relations with a Militant Israel

Taking Sides: America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel, by Stephen Green. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1984. This excellent, heavily-documented and footnoted book should indeed, as the blurb on the inside dust-jacket promises, “cause major reassessments in the published literature in this field, at least as far as mainstream sources are concerned.” Mr….

Politics, Prejudice and Procedure

Recent years have seen some erosion in the traditional view of the Andrew Johnson impeachment trial as a lawless episode of political partisanship. Johnson's reputation has worsened even as historians have come to see the essentially moderate character of the Republican Reconstruction program.[1] Legally, the impeachment is not as self-evidently insupportable as it once seemed….

Marxism in the United States

Marxism in the United States: Remapping the History of the American Left, by Paul Buhle. London: Verso (Haymarket Series), 1987, paperback, 299 pages, $12.95, ISBN 0-86091-848-3. The most enjoyable treasure is that which is found in the most unlikely place. Who would have thought of looking in a history of American Marxism, written by a…

The Great Brown Scare

A note on the title: Liberal-Establishment historians have an all too effective propaganda device to promote approved ideologies. They invent labels which, in due course, are thoughtlessly parroted and tend to set the desired concepts in concrete, obviating any further need for argument. Thus the raids carried out by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on…

Chicago Tribune History

Perhaps the most telling aspect of World War Two historical orthodoxy is its one-dimensional view of war criminals; by current definition these are the losers of a war. The winners decide the degree of the losers' culpability and the depth of their depravity. Apart from this victor's morality play is the reality of the difficult-to-envision…

The Fateful Triangle

The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & the Palestinians by Noam Chomsky. Boston, MA: South End Press, 1983, 481 pp. $10.00, Pb, ISBN: 049608-187-7. The Fateful Triangle is a fact-filled, insightful look at the “special relationship” between the United States and Israel. Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at M.I.T., examines the origins of this…

American Policy Toward Europe: The Fateful Change

Following the final defeat of Napoleonic France, the leaders of Europe gathered for the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to reorganize the war-torn continent. European recovery from the consequences of Napoleon’s downfall was considerably aided by the decent and magnanimous treatment of defeated France by the victorious powers. Henry Kissinger aptly entitled his study of…

Ronald Reagan’s Political and Cultural Folklore

This article focuses on the American dominant culture’s world view implicit in Ronald Reagan’s politics. Taking a New Left approach to cultural history, it assumes that proletarians, rural people, and “pre-modern” people are not the only social groups who have a folklore; that the American dominant culture also has a folklore; that if New Left…

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