
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

How did the piles of personal effects get at Auschwitz?

Dear AnswerMan, How did the museum at Auschwitz I amass tons of human hair, dentures, toothbrushes, artificial limbs, cans of Zycon(sic) gas and other tragic “momentos” of the camps? Pauline Friedman AnswerMan Replies: At the end of the war, and to this day piles of—what in any other context would be considered trash—has been presented…

Gas Chambers at Dachau?

Dear AnswerMan, I understand that it is now conceded by the Promoters that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Dachau although that information hasn't made it to all concerned. John Cardinal O'Connor of New York has recently spoken about “seeing” the gas chambers at Dachau, I'm sorry to say. I expect that he is…

Did the Concentration Camps Exist?

Dear AnswerMan, Were concentration camps during WWII really used in the way history portrays, did they really exist? John AnswerMan Replies: The concentration camps certainly did exist, by the hundreds! Prior to the war they were ordinary prisons that housed, in addition to ordinary criminals, a growing population of political prisoners and those identified as…


The three lines of Arabic poetry are by the well-known poet Ahmad Shawqi. Shawqi was exiled by then British occupation of Egypt, and he wrote the poem while in exile. The three lines in rough meaning: Would the trees where nightingales are known to sit and sing be a forbidden luxury for them while all…

Auschwitz Commandant Confesses to OJ Simpson Murders & Elie Orders a Whopper

OJ Simpson Pronounces Himself “Vindicated” But Still Cannot Spell It June 9, 1998 (from wire services) In a startling new development, the former commandant of Auschwitz has confessed to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in June, 1994, in a signed confession found on the grounds of the Happy Hunting Golf Park…

The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein

The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein, by Henri Roques, Paperback (June 1989), Inst for Historical Review; ISBN: 0939484277; Our Price: $7.50. Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks… Sales Rank: 332,621 [email protected]From Michael Mills,Canberra, Australia,March 31, 1998 A thorough analysis of a key document of World War 2 This book was originally a doctoral…

Documents from the Moscow Archives describe building of air-raid shelters in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1943

The imperfect translations which follow convey clearly enough the meaning of three documents recently forwarded by an anonymous source from Russian archives of captured German WWII documents to Samuel Crowell. They give details of logistical problems encountered in the building of hundreds of air-raid shelters at Auschwitz-Birkenau in April through November of 1944. This effort…

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