Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.

The History of the Auschwitz Camps, Told by Authentic Wartime Documents

The following article was taken, with generous permission from Castle Hill Publishers, from Part 1 of Carlo Mattogno’s recently published book The Real Auschwitz Chronicle, titled The History of the Auschwitz Camps Told by Authentic Wartime Documents (Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, February 2023; see the book announcement in this issue of Inconvenient History). In this…

On the Authenticity of the “Lachout Document”

1. Introduction In 1987, a decades-old document caused a considerable stir in Austria. It was a circular from the Military Police Service (MPS, Militärpolizeilicher Dienst, MPD), an Austrian auxiliary force that had been founded in the post-war years to support the occupying powers in matters where they had to deal with the Austrian population, not…

The Lie of the Six Million

Editor’s Remark: This article is reprinted here as a historical document of early Holocaust revisionism outside of occupied Germany. Inconvenient History does not claim that any of the statements made in it are correct (or incorrect, for that matter). Since none of the claims made are backed up with verifiable sources, this has to be…

“Magda Goebbels”… in the Yad Vashem Database

Abstract This paper demonstrates with an example that the number of Holocaust victims claimed to be in the victims’ database of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem cannot be trusted, because anyone can place any number of false entries into that database! In this case, the fictitious person with data related to famous National-Socialist…

Dokumente zur Endlösung der Judenfrage

Seit Politik und Kriegführung vom “Feldherrn Psychologus” beherrscht werden und alle strategischen Zielsetzungen sich an die Erfordernisse des psychologischen Krieges anpassen mußten, ist auch für die Geschichtsforschung eine veränderte Lage entstanden, in der die herkömmlichen Mittel zur Erforschung eines historischen Sachverhaltes nicht mehr ausreichen und neue angemessene Forschungsweisen entwickelt werden müssen. Seit der “Feldherr Psychologus”…

Critique of the Matt Cockerill vs. Thomas Dalton Debate, Part 5

Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton had a debate on the Holocaust which can be found at This article documents that there was no written order from Hitler to exterminate the Jews, and why other speeches and writings from German leaders do not indicate a German policy of genocide against Jews.

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 15 Peter Winter (26:53 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 15 Peter Winter Jim Rizoli, pioneering fighter for the truth continues his review (26 minutes) of SMFOF by Peter Winter. Here Jim reviews chapter 15 which deals with Treblinka. Section 88 – Treblinka was a temporary camp for 18 months. Holocau$t liars claim that over 850,000…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 14 Sobibor Peter Winter (21:56 min)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 14 Sobibor Peter Winter Jim Rizoli continues his review (21 minutes) of The Holocaust Fact or Fiction by Peter Winter looking at Chapter 14 which deals with Sobibor camp. Jim looks at Section 81which looks at the execution equipment there – either exhaust from a diesel…

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 13 Belzec Peter Winter. (18:22 MIn)

The Six Million Fact or Fiction (TSMFOF) SERIES Chap 13 Belzec Peter Winter. Jim Rizoli, battler for truth continues his review of the above book by looking at Chapter 13 (18 minutes). Section 76 – looks at Belzec camp with its unbelievable allegations. The camp was only open for 15 months, there was no crematoria. …

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