Documents + Critique

Quellenkritik – source criticism – is one of the most important tools of serious historiography, yet it is almost completely neglected by orthodox scholars. This section lists contribution where documents concerning aspects of the Holocaust are subjected to thorough source criticism.

The Fake Photograph Problem

In my book Faked Atrocities (distributed by the Institute for Historical Reivew, [new title: Forged War Crimes Malign the German Nation; for current availability see here; ed.]) I have described some of the ways in which the German nation is maligned through the use of forged atrocity photographs. My book deals comprehensively with this problem,…

Goebbels on the Jews, Part 1

Joseph Goebbels was nothing if not disciplined. Since his 26th birthday in late 1923, he maintained a near-daily diary until his death more than 21 years later.[1] These entries are at once unique and invaluable in their ability to provide insight into the Nazi hierarchy, ideology, and operation. Nothing else like them exists. No other…

Arsch, bitte!

Document 343-USSR, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: All Soviet Prisoners of War Are to Be Tattooed for Identification Purposes. IMT Vol. 39, pp. 488-491 Document 343, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: Photocopy of a mimeograph, certified by the Soviet prosecutors, in two parts. First page: 1 next to “Certified True Copy” at *; round stamp…

England’s Keele University Spreads Holocaust Propaganda

Picture as published by Spiegel magazine.[1] Below: section enlargement with explanatory captions. I think it was in the late nineties that a small news item in England mentioned that millions of air photos of WWII taken by the Royal British Air Force (and perhaps even some photos by the German Luftwaffe confiscated after the war…

Reply to Carlo Mattogno and the Editor on the Gas Detectors

I wish to reply to Carlo Mattogno’s articles on gas detectors for the crematorium at Auschwitz (TR, pp. 140–155, May 2004), and the editor’s prologue to those articles. In 1998 Mattogno and I wanted to air this issue in the Journal of Historical Review, but the editor declined to carry the exchange. I am grateful…

The Morgues of the Crematoria at Birkenau in the Light of Documents

In the historical expert opinion drawn up for Deborah Lipstadt in the libel trial launched against her by David Irving (January 11 to April 11, 2000), Robert Jan van Pelt, when he was unable to find any proof of the reality of the extermination of Jews in gas chambers at Auschwitz, amassed all the available…

The “Gas Testers” of Auschwitz

Introduction In 1989, Prof. Faurisson's challenge[1] to offer him one single tangible proof for the existence of National Socialist homicidal gas chambers – beyond untrustworthy 'eyewitness' testimonies – resulted in an emphatic response by French scholar Jean-Claude Pressac. In a massive work he presented "39 criminal traces" for the existence of homicidal gas chambers.[2] All…

Simon Wiesenthal Screws “Life Magazine” and Three Young Germans

In 1946 IBIS VERLAG of Linz and Vienna, Austria, published a book put together by Simon Wiesenthal titled KZ Mauthausen, which allegedly describes how it was to be interned in Mauthausen concentration camp. On page 64 of KZ Mauthausen there is a reproduction of a drawing signed by “S. Wiesenthal” depicting three camp prisoners, dressed…

The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz

Ever since the Russian authorities granted western historians access to their state archives, the files of the Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz, stored in a Moscow archive, have attracted the attention of scholars who are researching the history of this most infamous of all German war-time camps. Despite this interest, next…

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