Lies + Propaganda

Some wild claims within the Holocaust narrative have been debunked by mainstream scholars and exposed as mere rumors, lies and/or wartime propaganda (although other scholars may disagree). This entry lists contributions on those aspects of the Holocaust nowadays admitted as false, for whatever reason.

Anatomy of a Nuremberg Liar

In my book, Not Guilty at Nuremberg, I wrote: “Telford Taylor was incapable of repeating the simplest statement truthfully. (See XX 626, the statements of General Manstein, compared with Taylor's 'quotation' from Manstein, XXII 276.) The following are “quotations” from Taylor (Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials, Back Bay Books, Little Brown & Co., paperback, by…

Soap and Lampshades: The Lies Persist

In his recently published book, Why People Believe Weird Things, Skeptic editor Michael Shermer recounts an exchange from the Phil Donahue show. On that particular episode, CODOH director Bradley Smith stated, “It [is] a lie that Germans cooked Jews to make soap from them.” Shermer, who is skeptical of many things, but generally a believer…

Made in Russia: The Holocaust

© Historical Review Press, 1988 Introduction War crimes trials are characterized by the assumption that rules of evidence are a technicality designed to enable the guilty to evade punishment. In fact, however, their purpose is to protect tribunals from errors in judgement. Centuries ago, it was common to prosecute women for performing sexual acts with…

Why the Germans Destroyed the Crematoria but left the Gas Chambers Intact

A common argument in support of Exterminationism is that the Germans “destroyed the 'gas chambers'” as they retreated from the Auschwitz/Birkenau complex in January of 1945. However, a review of German destruction of the “evidence” at Auschwitz/Birkenau shows that, first of all, the Germans left a mass of documentary evidence untouched; including the complete record…

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