Statistics + Demography

“Six million Jews died during the Holocaust.” Really? How do we know? What do the statistics tell us?

Six Million?

Dear AnswerMan, I read of an article published in an American-Jewish magazine in 1905 exposing a Jewish genocide of “6 million” persons during Eastern Europe pogroms. Why wasn't there no such moral rebellion as against the later nazi genocide? Was the world so insensitive about the Jews? [Name Witheld] AnswerMan Replies: The idea of “six…

What happened to Europe’s Jews?

Dear AnswerMan, If the Jews of Europe were not exterminated during the Holocaust, I'd like to know what happened to the millions who once lived there. Pauline Friedman AnswerMan Replies: Because this question deals with a large subgroup within the much larger population of Europe during a major war, there is no simple single answer…

Deaths in German Concentration Camps

The aim of this section is to present some numerical data pertaining to those “ordinary” deaths in German concentration camps of a sort that are not contested. That is to say, deaths which were documented by the Germans, even if some of those documents are now missing. The “Holocaust” allegation is that the millions “exterminated”…

Crucifixion of the Jews Must Stop!

(Former Governor of the State of N.Y.) The American Hebrew, October 31, 1919: page 582 From across the sea six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread. These children, these men and women are our fellow-members of the human family, with the same claim…

Auschwitz: A Re-evaluation (1996)

Official Estimates of the Number of Victims Auschwitz was both the largest and most notorious of the Nazi concentration camps. Auschwitz is central to the literature on the Holocaust and Nazi crimes. At one time, it was claimed that as many as four million people were killed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Through the…

The Gassed People of Auschwitz: Pressac’s New Revisions

Regarding “Le macchine dello sterminio Auschwitz 1941-1945”; the Italian book purporting to be a translation of the original French book by Jean-Claude Pressac, “Les Crematoires d'Auschwitz: La machinerie du meuertre de masse.” 1. The New Thesis of Jean-Claude Pressac In the section headed The Extermination of Hungarian Jews in our study, Auschwitz: The End of…

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