
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Incontrovertible Facts on Cremations in National-Socialist “Extermination Camps”

Foreword Orthodox Holocaust historiography pompously calls itself “scientific,” but this term is purely formal and empty, as it refers to the method it claims to use, which is in fact fallacious, because it aims to obtain the predetermined result through the selective use of sources habitually misrepresented, whether out of ignorance or deliberate intention. This…

Who Put the Gas into the Chambers?

The Question Most Holocaust skeptics agree that the story about homicidal gas chambers used during the Third Reich to mass murder Jews is bogus. What they don’t agree on is how that bogus history ended up in our history text books, documentaries and museums. If the story doesn’t stand up to thorough scrutiny, then why…

Open-Air Pyre Cremations Revisited

Introduction Almost one third of all six-million Holocaust victims claimed by the orthodox narrative are said to have been killed in just three camps: Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka. All these victims are said to have been burned outdoors on pyres, leaving behind only ashes. Another set of slightly different open-air pyre cremations is said to…

Experimental Study on the Fuel Requirements for the Thermal Degradation of Bodies by Means of Open-Pyre Cremation

Abstract The results of a systematic study of open-pyre cremation of bodies is reported here with the aim of providing quantitative information on the mechanisms controlling the cremation process, and the relationship between the characteristics of a fire and the level of consumption of a body. Systematically constructed timber pyres and recently euthanized pig carcasses…

Blue Haze and Pyramids – Richard Böck’s Auschwitz Lies

Excerpts of an interview with Richard Böck conducted by the British Imperial War Museum in 1972, with English voice over. The entire interview is available at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. This excerpts consists of several sections and starts at 59:05 and ends at 1:03:35 in the original. Download it here: Excerpt of Richard Böck…

The Dachau Gas Chamber: An American Forgery?

The following article was taken, with generous permission from Castle Hill Publishers, from Carlo Mattogno’s recently published study The Dachau Gas Chamber: Documents, Testimonies, Material Evidence (Castle Hill Publishers, Bargoed, November 2022; see the book announcement in this issue of Inconvenient History). In this book, it forms the first chapter. Source references in the text…

Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers

In 2017, a German publishing company asked me to contribute a thorough introduction to a reprint edition of Jean-Claude Pressac’s 1989 book of the same title. Unfortunately, this German publisher went out of business in late 2018, so no such reprint ever appeared. My introduction is still valuable, though; hence I published it in January…

Zyklon B – a Supplement

Zyklon B is the term of horror that symbolically summarizes all the atrocities reported about the National Socialist era. For the majority of people today, Zyklon B is the epitome of industrial mass murder. However, this will not be discussed here. Rather, after a brief description of the history of its creation and regular use,…

The Toxicity of Fumes from Diesel Engine under Four Different Running Conditions

It has been suggested that fumes from diesel engines make an important contribution to atmospheric pollution. This is probably because they are sometimes highly irritant and sometimes very smoky. It is well known that, because of their comparatively low carbon monoxide content, these fumes arc much less lethal than those from petrol engines.
The leading work on diesel fumes has been done by the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Holtz, Berger, Elliott, and Schrenk (1940) analysed the fumes from engines in proper mechanical conditions, plotting the carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and aldehyde content against fuel-air ratio.
The present work was directed to ascertaining what were the main toxic constituents of diesel fumes. In order to do this, animals were exposed to the fumes, and at the same time the concentration of various constituents of the fumes was determined; pathological investigations were subsequently carried out on the exposed animals.
In this paper, nitric oxide is designated NO, and nitrogen dioxide NO2. For conversion of parts per million to mg/m³ factors valid at 20°C have been used.

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