HCN (Zyklon B)

Although many methods are said to have been used by the Nazis to murder people in gas chambers, hydrogen cyanide in the form of Zyklon B is one of the most frequently referred to poisons claimed to have been used to this end. The contributions here deal with these Zyklon B-operated homicidal gas chambers in camps such as Auschwitz, Birkenau, Stutthof, Majdanek, Dachau and other places.

Crematoriums II and III of Birkenau

Material, criticism, and suggestions furnished by the Italian investigator Carlo Mattogno have been of great value to me in the completion of this study. The author, however, assumes sole responsibility for any errors or shortcomings which may be noted in the following pages. I. Introduction Until a few years ago, it was a matter of…

The Gas Chambers of Auschwitz Appear to be Physically Inconceivable

Zyklon B is a hydrocyanic acid that is given off by evaporation. It is used for the disinfection of ships, silos and dwellings as well as for the destruction of pests. It is still manufactured today in Frankfurt-on-Main. It is sold in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe, in the United States and nearly everwhere in…

Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch

We still have judgement here, that we but teach Bloody instructions, which being taught return To plague thinventor. This even handed justice Commends thingredience of our poison'd chalice To our own lips.—Shakespeare, Macbeth The Prelude to "Justice" Toward the end of World War II, the designated legal representatives of the United Nations,[1] meeting in London…

Lids and openings

Let us now examine the various claims made about the “lids and openings” in the ceilings of the “gas chambers” and compare the allegations with the forensic reality, and with each other. We notice first of all that here, as with other such matters, an evolutionary process is in progress. At first the allegations were…

The Mechanics of Gassing

Among all those who make statements, speeches, or use sentences in which the expression “gas chamber” appears, how many of those people actually know what they are talking about? It has not taken me very long to realize that many people commit one of the most glaring errors. These people imagine a “gas chamber” as…

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 8

On April 6, 1958, an arrest warrant was issued against Klaus Dylewski for his alleged involvment in the selection of inmates for gassings at Auschwitz (p. 988).[1] During his subsequent interrogation, Dylewski stated that, during his wartime presence at Auschwitz, he was responsible for issues dealing with escapes. According to him, escapes and attempts at…

The Openings for the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 1

1. Transformations of Crematorium I (1944 – 1947) During a visit to Auschwitz on July 16, 1944, SS-Obergruppenführer Pohl approved the “Installation of a gas-tight surgery and fragment-proof shelter in the former crematorium for the garrison surgeon”,[1] which became work-site BW 98M. On August 26, 1944, SS Obersturmführer Heinrich Josten who held the post of…

The Openings for the Introduction of Zyklon B, Part 2

1. Analysis of a Forensic Investigation 1.1. Introduction In the spring of 2004, Daniel Keren, Jamie McCarthy, and Harry W. Mazal published, as part of the Holocaust History Project, an article entitled “The Ruins of the Gas Chambers: A Forensic Investigation of Crematoriums at Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau.”[1] In that study, the authors deal with…

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