
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Preliminary Report from the Pre-Investment Archeological Excavation Works at the Former German-Nazi Extermination Camp in Sobibór Conducted in the Summer and Autumn of 2014

On May 5, 2018, we downloaded this file from the website dedicated to ongoing research in the area of the former Sobibór Camp. It summarizes the results of forensic excavations conducted during September 2014. The file has since been removed, and the Wayback Machine has no copy of it either. Hence we re-post it on…

The Results of the Pre-Investment Complementary Archeological Excavation Research Conducted on the Site of the Former Nazi-German Extermination Camp in Sobibór in Autumn 2015

On May 5, 2018, we downloaded this file from the website dedicated to ongoing research in the area of the former Sobibór Camp. It summarizes the results of forensic excavations conducted up to 2015. The file has since been removed, and the Wayback Machine has no copy of it either. Hence we re-post it on…

The Matrix of Converging Evidence

One of the trump cards the Holocaust historians and promoters like to use is what they call the “convergence of evidence”. All available evidence they tell us, either testimonies, photos, documents, or anything, point to one single conclusion: The Holocaust as we know it. Unfortunately, this is nothing but an illusion – in other words,…

Robert Faurisson a Revisionist Life (Part 4 of 4) 1990

Close to four hours of footage allows the viewer to see more about Professor Robert Faurisson, who is arguably the one key individual in modern revisionism who opened the door for many more questions to be asked about the historiography, the narrative of what is now called the Holocaust and open the way for many more of those who would dare to openly question the Holocaust in…

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