
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Claimed Crematory Rates at Birkenau Seem Improbable

The following text represents the author's opinion, which is being made available for public review and comment. Jean-Francois Beaulieu is a resident of Montreal, Canada who, like many people, simply stumbled across the revisionist debate. On examination of some of the details, he became at first puzzled by descriptions that seemed technically improbable. After posting…

Poison History

Bit by bit the truth, the real history of the twentieth century, comes out. The Ukrainian historian Professor Dr. Michael S. Voslensky, born 1920, an interpreter at the Nuremberg Trials and later for the Allied Control Council for Germany, reveals in a book published in Germany that before WW2 the Soviet Union experimented with gas…

Typhus and the Jews

In my article about the German delousing chambers in the Spring 1985 issue of this journal, I included a brief discussion of the large, well-designed gas chambers which were used to fumigate entire railroad trains, one or more railroad cars at a time, with Zyklon-B. Those chambers would have been ideal for the mass- extermination…

Some Technical and Chemical Considerations about the “Gas Chambers” of Auschwitz and Birkenau

1. Introduction Prior to the Leuchter Report[1] no scientific studies of any significance had ever been conducted about the homicidal 'gas chambers'[2] of Auschwitz and Majdanek, which is astonishing in view of the importance of the topic. Even in the great Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt in the mid-1960s, the expert reports that were commissioned had…

Witnesses to the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz

1. Summary[*] Eyewitness testimony must always be verified. There are two essential means of verifying such testimony in criminal cases: confronting the account with the material elements (in particular, with expertise as to the crime weapon), and the detailed cross-examination of the witness on what he/she purports to have seen. Thus, in the proceedings where…

The Gas Chamber at Dachau: Now You See It, Now You Don't

We are all familiar with an instrument called the kaleidoscope, in which loose bits of glass are reflected by plane mirrors showing each bit of glass in 6 places at once, creating the illusion of a symmetrical design. A similar phenomenon occurs in “War Crimes Trials,” in which gas chambers are shown in 3 different…

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