
The Holocaust is supposed to have been the implementation of the “perfect crime” with modern technology invented by ingenious yet nefarious German technological minds: gas chambers, crematoria, gas vans, and other automatic execution devices. But the mere claim of technological perfection does not make this claim true. Here the various claimed techniques are subjected to a detailed scrutiny.

Angry Sledge-Hammer Revisionism

Nazi Gassings: Thoughts on Life and Death by Friedrich Paul Berg, CreateSpace, 2015, 201 pp. For several decades now, Friedrich Berg has started arguments with fellow revisionists about certain technical issues of relevance to the orthodox Holocaust narrative. Usually, these arguments were hidden from public view, as they took place mainly in email exchanges between…

In Seventy Years, No Forensic Study Proving the Existence and Operation of the “Nazi Gas Chambers”!

In tribute to Professor Ben Zion Dinur (1884-1973), founder of Yad Vashem in 1953, forced to resign in 1959 for having preferred scientific History to Jewish Memory (as explained in my article in French of June 15, 2006).[1] For the most commonplace murder, the judicial authority, happily enough, is never satisfied with “testimonies” but demands,…

Robert Faurisson Corrects the Record on Piper Interview

When Robert Faurisson received the advertising marerials for the videotape “David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper,” he was somewhat dismayed to find that they did not give credit to the decades of work that revisionist scholars and researchers had done on the Auschwitz “gas chambers,” and that our advertising materials could be read in a…

Auschwitz Museum Director Protests His Own Interview

Dr. Franciszek Piper has written the following letter to Target, a magazine published in New South Wales, Australia. If we’re tempted to poke fun at Dr. Piper’s English, we vow to stop and take a moment to reflect on how well we write Polish. Dr Franciszek PiperPanstwowe Muzeum32-603 OswiecimPoland The Magazine “On Target,” Australia In…

I Was Gassed!

I have survived carbon-monoxide poisoning, more than once. My latest carbon-monoxide poisoning was caused by an improperly installed stove ventilation fan located next to a natural-gas hot-water heater. This latest CO poisoning was the most severe. From my experience of being “gassed,” I have several observations pertaining to “Holocaust gassing” claims. As we are t,…

Outdoor Incineration of Livestock Carcasses

In assessing the reported cremation of huge numbers of human corpses in German concentration, labor, transit and/or extermination camps during the Second World War, the capacities of the respective facilities – crematories, outdoor cremation pits and pyres, as well as mass graves – are an important factor. Literature on the pertinent crematories is plentiful and…

Aspects of the Tesch Trial

“I do not feel guilty. I did my duty working from morning ’til night for my country, just as the English would work for their country.” —Bruno Tesch, interrogation of September 26, 1945 “It is an official duty of humanity to exterminate vermin.” —Bruno Tesch, interrogation of September 26, 1945 In March 1946, Bruno Tesch,…

Inside the Gas Chambers

Inside the Gas Chambers, by Carlo Mattogno. The Barnes Review, Washington, DC, 267 pp. $25 The “Holocaust debate” is, at least for the defenders of the regnant account, something of a kabuki dance. The tiny, furious cadre of revisionists dances impotently around the lumbering bulk of the defenders, throwing vicious punch after punch and landing…

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