
To the impartial observer, a testimony by an individual who belonged to a group allegedly targeted by the Nazis for extermination does not always sound absolutely convincing, but who would wish to insinuate that those who had such terrible experiences during the war are not telling the truth? In the eyes of the public, the Holocaust survivors have become sanctified, indubitable, and irreproachable. It is precisely in this respect that skepticism, criticism and scrutiny have become most important. This section deals with persons who were on the side of the alleged victims and who either confirmed or denied the claimed events – or sometimes both. What are these testimonies worth?

From the Records of the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, Part 7

Internal Contradictions The statements of witness Erwin Valentin made during the pre-trial investigations leading to the Auschwitz trial contain some very telling contradictions. Valentin stated that in 1940 he was sent to the Jewish labor camp of Neutomischel (Warthegau) due to his non-Aryan (that is: Jewish) descent, where he, as a physician, took care of…

The Mermelstein Lie

One of the most active German opponents of revisionism, Jürgen Langowski, has a website named “Holocaust Reference. Arguments against Auschwitz Deniers” ( It is cooperating closely with another German website called “Information Service against Right-Wing Extremism” (, mastered by Margret Chatwin, a page dedicated to slander anyone deemed to be a right-winger by the left-wing…

Sauna a “Crime”?

A noteworthy article appeared in the German daily newspaper Die Welt in the section “Welt der Wissenschaft” on February 7, 1997, under the title “When the Memories of a Witness become murky” about an American study on this phenomenon. Around the same time we reviewed the book Die Todesfabrik[1] by Kraus and Kulka about the…

Two Times Dachau

The following article appeared first in 1997 in the German language in issue no. 2 of the small Berlin periodical Sleipnir. As a result of this and similar contributions, that particular edition of Sleipnir was confiscated and burned by the County Court of Berlin-Tiergarten.[1] The author as well as the publisher responsible for this magazine,…

The New Face of the “Holocaust”

As is generally known, crematoria are designed in such a way that even during intense activity neither smoke nor flames escape from their chimneys, and they also do not produce objectionable smells. Nevertheless, in a book, for which the “Holocaust survivor” Imre Kertész received the Nobel prize for literature, one reads of smoking crematorium chimneys…

Simon Wiesenthal Exposed as a Fraud and Liar

Gerd Honsik, Fiend and Felon (translated from Schelm und Scheusal by Medea deSculda), Taby, Sweden, undated, 404 pp., hardcover, photos, bibliography, index. $20.- This book can be ordered from Castle Hill Publishers. Now that professional “Nazi”-hunter Simon Wiesenthal has added knighthood by the British crown to the numerous honors that have been heaped upon him,…

Blue Women on the Beach

The May 2004 issue of The Revisionist contained an essay by Charles D. Provan entitled: “The Blue Color of the Jewish Victims at Belzec Death Camp – and Carbon Monoxide Poisoning“.[1] The focus of that essay is my contention that diesel gassings are practically impossible! The reason diesel gassings never happened is that the measures…

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