Holohoax Tales – Mengele’s Empty-Headed Corpses
Jacob FreimarkClip from the documentary:The Search for Mengele. 1985Director: Brian MoserFull documentary here:https://archive.org/details/1985SearchForMengeleThe
When Nazi Germany invaded Russia in summer of 1941, a “comprehensive” or “final solution” to the Jewish question was envisioned by Germany’s leaders. But what was this “final solution”? Was it a plan to deport the Jews into the “Russian swamps,” as Hitler had once stated, or was it a plan to systematically kill them all? The extant documents are quite clear about it, yet they contradict what a plethora of witnesses have stated. This question divides the two sides in this debate (notwithstanding one side insisting that there is no debate). The topic is huge in scope and scale – and it is the main focus of this website
By Josef Mengele ∙ February 21, 2020
Jacob FreimarkClip from the documentary:The Search for Mengele. 1985Director: Brian MoserFull documentary here:https://archive.org/details/1985SearchForMengeleThe
By John Wear ∙ February 16, 2020
A relative of a prominent Holocaust revisionist recently said that the argument Holocaust supporters fear most is “the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural, and documentary evidence of the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber.” She writes, “And, believe me, the only thing they fear is that people may learn that there were no homicidal gas chambers, and that Jews have lied about that particular point.” This article discusses some of the evidence proving that there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German camps during World War II.
By To be determined ∙ February 16, 2020
British Dresden survivor Victor Gregg accepts no excuses for the Allies' 1945 bombing of Dresden. He blames Attlee and Churchill for this war crime. Victor Gregg (1920 – 2021) wrote (with Rick Stroud) a three volume memoir of which the last was Dresden: A Survivor's Story. He joined the army when he was 18, joining the Rifle…
By John Clive Ball ∙ February 16, 2020
A presentation by John C. Ball, in which he examines the aerial-photographical evidence of the alleged Holocaust. Following the trial of Canadian Ernst Zündel in the 1980s, Mr. Ball, also a Canadian, decided to try to locate forensic evidence detailing what had occurred at these camps during the war. Due to the passage of time,…
By To be determined ∙ February 15, 2020
Clip from the documentary: The Search for Mengele. 1985Director: Brian Moser Dr Josef Mengele was the chief medical officer at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was a double Phd. He was a doctor and a researcher in genetics. He was awarded medals for bravery on the Eastern Front, where he was wounded. Unfit for front-line duty, he took…
By To be determined ∙ February 14, 2020
Ernst Zundel-Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction (Part 3 of 3). Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) continues with his video, looking at aspects of the Holocau$t, and comparing facts and fiction.
By Ernst Zündel ∙ February 13, 2020
Ernst Zundel Historical Facts vs. Fiction Part 2 of 3 Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) continues with his video, looking at the Holocau$t literature, and comparing facts and fiction.
By Ernst Zündel ∙ February 13, 2020
Ernst Zündel: Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction. Ernst Zundel (1939 – 2017) talks (8 minutes) about the "Holocau$t" and compares the facts with the fiction. Part 1 of 3. Here he refers to the propaganda activities of the "Holocau$t" museum.
By Robert Faurisson ∙ February 11, 2020
The late Mr. Ernst Zundel and Prof. Robert Faurisson examine the contents of the novel "Night" by Mr. Elie Wiesel which, according to Mr. Wiesel, was an accurate description of his experiences in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the war. Notably, Mr. Wiesel does not mention gas chambers in his novel as the gas chamber…
By To be determined ∙ February 10, 2020
Relearn Reality 40 Questions on the Holocaust According to the World Almanac, there were 15.3 million Jews in 1938, 6 million died in the holocaust leaving ± 9.3 million in 1945, (According to the Holohoax), in 1948 there where 15.8 million Jews,(According to World Almanac figures) an increase of 70% in 3 years, if this…
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