Jewish Power + Influence

How influential are Jewish pressure groups and individuals in the world, in western nations, and specifically in the U.S.? Is this influence too great or too small? Is it beneficial or detrimental? Far from providing a ready answer, CODOH offers the views of others for contemplation.

The End of the Legends

Alexander Solschenitsyn, “200 Jahre zusammen.” Die russisch-jüdische Geschichte 1795-1916 (200 Years Together. The Russian-Jewish History 1795-1916), Herbig, Munich 2002, 560 pp., €34.90; “Zweihundert Jahre zusammen,” Die Juden in der Sowjetunion (200 Years Together. The Jews in the Soviet Union), ibidem, 2003, 608 pp., €39.90. It may be said without hesitation that Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years…

The Terror Did not Begin with Stalin

Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein, Jüdischer Bolschewismus. Mythos und Realität (Jewish Boshevism. Myth and Reality), Edition Antaios, Dresden 2002, 312, €29.- “There is hardly any myth that is more important and which has more consequences than the one about ‘Jewish Bolshevism.’”—Prof. Dr. Ernst Nolte, Preface In a major work published a few years ago, Alexander Solshenizyn…

Stalin against the Jews – “Criminals in White Coats”

Jonathan Brent, Vladimir Naumov, Stalin's Last Crime. The Plot Against the Jewish Doctors, 1948-1953, Perennial, New York 2004, 416 pp., pb., $14.95 Coauthored by researchers Jonathan Brent and Vladimir Naumov, Stalin's Last Crime covers the period from 1948 to Stalin's death in March 1953, with special emphasis on the Jewish Doctors' Plot.[1] Simply put, Stalin…

The Holocaust before It Happened

Don Heddesheimer, The First Holocaust: Jewish Fundraising Campaigns with Holocaust Claims during and after World War One, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2003, pb., 140 pp., $9.95. George Santayana was famous for his aphorism “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Perhaps those who believe in the myth of the ‘six…

Jewish Involvement in Black American Affairs

The Nation of Islam (ed.), The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Historical Research Department, Springfield, MA, 334 pp. paperback, $19.95 Just about every year on the eve of the national holiday honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, the mainstream media in the United States put forth numerous articles about the large Jewish involvement with…

Outlaw History #25

It's good to see you are up and running again and have all these new sites. At the same time I think your mission has largely been accomplished, and if revisionism is in a lull these days there's a good reason for it: the revisionists have won. Before I get into that I have to…

Outlaw History #32

Night before last I watched the first two installments of Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State (we get PBS in Baja). Three matters caught my attention. First, I was truly surprised by how utterly conventional the film is. I suppose I had expected something new. Foolish me. There are claims that new documents are referenced here…

Outlaw History #18

Secretary General Kofi Annan has begun to poll U.N. General Assembly members in an effort to convene a special commemorative session to mark the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi concentration camps. It just never ends. We are reminded that Soviet Red Army troops freed the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland on January 27,…

Outlaw History #15

Daniel Pipes is the founder and director of the Middle East Forum and its rollicking child, Campus Watch. He works tirelessly to save America and its students from being overwhelmed by Muslim fanatics. He is a towering intellectual, as those things go, and is a dedicated Israeli-Firster. The Mission Statement of Campus Watch reads: “Campus…

Jewish Supremacism

David Duke, Jewish Supremacism. My Awakening to the Jewish Question, Free Speech Press, Mandeville, LA, 2003, hc, 368 pp., $24.95 Who would want to associate himself with a former Ku Klux Klan member, a convict currently sitting in a federal prison for (probably constructed) tax charges, a man described as a neo-Nazi, anti-Semite, racist? That…

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