Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.

Letter From Berlin

I first heard about your Revisionist Conference in a rather short, two page report in issue 3/79 of Bauernschaft (October 1979), published by my friend Thies Christophersen (D 2341 Mohrkirch). I saw a more complete report in the South African Observer (P.O. Box 2401, Pretoria, South Africa, November 1979, pp. 11-15) which I receive by…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Chicken David You people are amazing. You actually deny the Holocaust’s existence, the existence of the Death Camps, the existence of the suffering and untold agonies. To deny such truths is to deny what those people went through and to make the fight against Nazism and fascism for naught. You do a disservice…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Allied War Crime and Catacomb Revisionists Dear Mr. Rudolf! It is always commendable to commemorate the victims of injustice. In this regard I may report about an incidence, which occurred parallel to the liberation, or better transfer (this event happened peacefully, as is known), of the concentration camp Mauthausen. On May 4, 1945,…

Letters to the Editor

General Remarks Walter Lüftl Defeats Pavlov Dear Mr. Rudolf! End of 1997, I accidentally tumbled over the topic “revisionism.” I was actually looking for works authored by Walter Lüftl, the former president of Austria’s Chamber of Civil Engineers, who, in the 1980s, had worked on public debt issues and who had published his insights (derived…

Letters to the Editor

(Click to enlarge) Re.: D. Bartling, “Why the United States Reject the International Criminal Court,” TR, 1(3) (2003), pp. 301-308. Dear Sir: Your article on the American refusal to join the ICC brought to mind an incident years ago. During the war I spent a short time on Samar in the Philippines and while there…

Letter to the Editor

Working V1 Rocket Engine of Survival Research Laboratories (SRL), San Francisco Re.: G. Rudolf, “The Moon Landing: Fact or Fiction,” TR, 1(1) (2003), pp. 75-81. Dear Editor: In The Revisionist #1 you have an article which includes a tidbit about V1 rockets: “Mockup of a German WWII V1 Rocket at the Space and Rocket Museum…

Letters to the Editor

In General To the Editor: World War II is the biggest war that has ever happened. Therefore it is necessary that an honest objective investigation be carried out by our government as to the true cause of this unfortunate war. Everything that is taught about this war and all the material that is available to…

Letters to the Editor

About R. Countess, “Why the USA Wages War in the Gulf Region,” TR 1(1) (2003), pp. 109-111. To the Editor: Dr. Countess is to be congratulated for writing a fine review of this book, and for bringing to your readership’s attention the role played by ‘Oil Concerns’ in bringing the US into the Gulf War…

French Government Hypocrisy, Islam and Holocaust Revisionism

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 February 8, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, As you are undoubtedly aware by now, Holocaust revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurisson will probably stand trial for comments he made at the Iran Holocaust Conference of December 2006. Allegedly, he violated France’s Gayssot…

Holocaust Revisionist Robert Faurisson and the Hypocrisy of the French Government

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 January 15, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, It has been reported that revisionist historian Robert Faurisson will face trial on charges that he made statements at the Iran Holocaust Conference in December 2006, which cast doubt on the so-called Jewish Holocaust….

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