Letters + Feedback

Selected letters and comments sent in to CODOH by our readers, supporters, fans, colleagues, critics, opponents etc.


Justice for JDL Victims President Bush has declared that the financial backers of all terrorist groups must be held accountable, with a $1 trillion lawsuit filed on that basis. Considering that in 1985 the FBI named the Jewish Defense League as the second most active terrorist group in the United States, anyone who contributed money…


More Letters I recently received the second volume of David Irving's Churchill series, which looks magnificent. I now have to find the time to do justice to it. Also, on the latest Journal, unless it's my imagination, the space made available for readers' letters seems to have been reduced significantly. If so, my input would…

From the Editor

This issue’s cover photo, showing Australian revisionist Dr. Fredrick Töben meeting university students in Iran, expresses themes of travel, discovery, communication, teaching, and learning that have been central to historical revisionism since at least 1926, when revisionism’s founding spirit, Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, made his first research and lecture tour of Europe. It also documents…


Unanswered Challenge Phil Eversoul, in a letter to the editor that appeared in vol. 20, no.2 of the Journal, citing my article “The Rudolf Case, Irving’s Lost Libel Suit and the Future of Revisionism” (JHR 19, no. 5, pp. 26–61), asks “… why did Zaverdinos allow Irving’s statements to go unchallenged?” The Journal’s editor wrote…

No to Censorship! No to Bigotry!

April 10, 2001 To:Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said)Mahmoud DarwishMohammed HarbiElias KhouryGerard KhourySalah StetieMohamad BeradaJamel Eddine Ben SheikhEdward W. SaidDominique EddeFayez MallasFarouk Mardam-BeyKhalida SaidElias Sanbar Recently you issued a public statement calling on authorities in Lebanon to ban the “Revisionism and Zionism” conference in Beirut, scheduled for March 31 through April 3, which our Institute had been…

From the Editor

First word of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon reached us at the Institute for Historical Review shortly after 7 a.m. (PST), September 11. As we followed the breaking news on our radios and over the Internet, our initial consternation was quickly followed by an awareness of the possible implications of…


Samuel Crowell’s essay “Beyond Auschwitz” (in the March–April 2001 Journal) is spoiled by his unfounded assertion that “some portion of non-working Hungarian Jews could [emphasis added] have been killed,” but that their number “could not have been more than a few tens of thousands at most.” While Hungarian Jews may well have been executed for…


Nothing to It In the September-October 2000 issue of the Journal, Costas Zaverdinos writes: Regarding Chelmno and the “gas vans,” Irving was more explicit: “I have repeatedly allowed that [Jews] were killed in gas vans” – and he included Yugoslavia among the places where such vans were used. A dramatic moment in the proceedings came…


‘Mr. Death’ Among the many accounts that I have read of “Mr. Death,” Errol Morris’ film about Fred Leuchter, I think that Greg Raven’s is the most instructive (“Flawed Documentary of Execution Expert”, Sept.-Dec. 1999 Journal, pp. 62–69). In it the basic dishonesty of Jewish director Morris is well displayed. It is simply a pity…


'Retail Politics' Recently I gave a batch of copies of Roger Garaudy's Founding Myths of Modern Israel to a friend, who has been passing them around. He gave one to an old friend, a retired Catholic priest who, as a young man, had been deeply impressed with Garaudy's views on Marxism and Catholicism. This priest's…

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