

Other Stuff

If you would like to read “God Bless the Hillel Rabbis,” mentioned above by a sensitive and perceptive explorer of CODOHWeb, I’ll be glad to send it along for our usual generous donation. (“God Bless. .. “ is a 3,100-word excerpt from the book manuscript I’m working on titled A Simple Writer.) I want to…


The Web/Net may be the last battlefield in this whole enterprise. Hoaxery has pretty well driven opposition almost totally from the printed media, and with the severe reprimand even from the land’s national legislature by a unanimous vote condemning any and all who question Establishment hoaxery, it would seem the matter is becoming increasingly dangerous….


It’s the first week in December and the fallout from the Campus Project is cascading down all around me. Who was the little guy who used to worry that the sky might fall? There is so much media from campus and off-campus that I have to admit I am unable to stay on top of…


If you contributed to CODOH or Smith’s Report before 30 August 19%, and have not contributed since, your time has come You’re help is appreciated, and will be used as productively as possible. The last issue of Smith’s Report (#47) reported, prematurely and incorrectly, that Robert Faurisson was fined “over $4,000 for violating France’s Fabius-Gayssot…


Because CODOHWeb is publishing new revisionist scholarship, Smith’s Report is in the enviable position of being able to announce new revisionist work to its readers long before they will have heard of it from other quarters. The downside is that we do not have enough space in SR to print the exchanges that such articles…


Pressac’s “proof.” Samuel Crowell's facts: Samuel Crowell’s extremely valuable work on the routine and legally required use of gas-tight doors with peepholes by the Germans for tens of thousands of air-raid shelters shows, once again, how totally devoid of any real evidence the Holocaust story is regarding the alleged use of Nazi gas chambers for…


The fact that we are living in Mexico is still sinking in on SR readers, and on us. One reader writes: “This move to Mexico is a serious mistake. A very serious mistake. You are too vulnerable down there. There are too many people who would like to get at you. They can wipe out…


Your letters are the one way I have of knowing what your reaction to each issue of SR is, good or bad. I am unable to respond to correspondence unless it is extremely urgent. I realize this makes it rather a one-way street. If you do not want your name printed here, and there are…

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