

Holocaust Revisionism is not ‘Hate Speech,’ Canadian Officials Affirm

On August 27, Canada’s Supreme Court dismissed charges against Ernst Zündel of “publishing false news” because he had circulated a reprint edition of a booklet that disputes the generally accepted Holocaust extermination story. The Court struck down as unconstitutional the law under which the German-Canadian publisher and commercial artist had been convicted. (For more on…

Canadian Reflections on the Zündel and Irving Cases

On August 27, Canada's Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional the law under which German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel was convicted for publishing a Revisionist booklet about the Holocaust. In a four-three decision, the judges ruled that the “false news” law under which he was convicted violates the freedom-of-speech provisions of Canada's Charter of Rights, and…

David Irving’s Most Un-Excellent Adventure

Zionist Groups Demand Irving's OusterCanadian Media Criticizes Ban As best-selling British historian and author David Irving approached the US-Canadian border at Niagara Falls after a speaking tour in the western United States, he knew that this particular visit to the “Great White North” would be different than previous visits. Two things had changed since Irving's…

The Anatomy of a Riot

The following is a couple of headlines that appeared in two Toronto dailies on Monday, May 31, in the aftermath of the Allan Gardens riot that occurred in Toronto on Sunday, May 30, 1965: Mob Beats 'Nazis' in Park Hate-Riot [The Toronto Telegram, front-page headline]…mob shouts 'kill, kill, kill' as it looks for Nazis [part…

A Fearful Symmetry

Concluding the tenth chapter of his novel Moravagine, the French poet, Blaise Cendrars, describes the social ferment that pervaded Tsarist Russia on the eve of revolution: “Everything was thrown out of kilter: institutions, family traditions, the notion of honor. A frantic loosening of all ties, which was mistaken for mysticism, was at work in every…

Zündel Attacked on way to Trial

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Members of the Jewish Defense League (JDL) screamed obscenities while attacking Ernst Zündel, who questions whether six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, outside Toronto's downtown County Courthouse this morning. Zündel, a 46-year-old Toronto man charged with spreading false news, and about 15 supporters and…

Zündel Headquarters Torched

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell The headquarters home of Ernst Zündel, the German-born Canadian resident who has for several years directed a world-wide revisionist campaign from Toronto, was severely damaged by fire after an unknown assailant doused the building with gasoline at five a.m. on May 7-8 and set it ablaze….


Last May 7th, at about 5:00 a.m. of a Sunday morning, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of VE celebrations worldwide, a terrorist firebombed the home and headquarters of Toronto publisher and Holocaust revisionist, Ernst Zündel. Zündel himself was away in Vancouver at the time, consulting with his attorney, Douglas Christie. His housesitter, Jerry…

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