Persecution of Dissidents

The social, extra-judicial persecution of dissidents for their peaceful activities. By extra-judicial, social persecution we mean media harassments and defamation, loss of employment, loss of residence, termination of memberships, cancellation of business contracts etc. Unless a report is on persecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the events have occurred.

Jewish Militants: Fifteen Years, and More, of Terrorism in France

This essay, written in June 1995, is based on documentation provided by Robert Faurisson. Copies of the French-language text have been sent to key French government and police authorities. In its issue of June 1991, the French monthly Le Choc du mois (“The Shock of the Month”) published a rather lengthy report entitled “Jewish Militants:…

Zündel’s Office-Home Damaged in Arson Attack Zionist Group Claims Responsibility

A criminal arson attack on Sunday morning, May 7, badly damaged the headquarters and home in Toronto of German-Canadian publicist Ernst Zündel. “It was set on fire, and it's possible an accelerant was used,” a Toronto police officer said. Authorities estimate damage at approximately $400,000 to the building and the contents inside, including most of…

Irving Protests German Persecution of Holopaust Skeptics

As reported in the Jan.-Feb. 1995 Journal. one of France's most prestigious magazines, L'Express. now acknowledges that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz “gas chamber” that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly. British historian David Irving has been fined 30,000 marks (about $21,000) by German courts for saying the…

About the IHR/Mermelstein Settlement

This article originally appeared in the IHR Newsletter shortly after the original settlement between the IHR and Mel Mermelstein. The terms of the settlement agreement are often misrepresented. – Greg Raven With so many wild rumors still being circulated about the IHR/Mermelstein settlement, we want to remind our readers that, contrary to what has gone…

“Best Witness”: Mel Mermelstein, Auschwitz and the IHR

Theodore J. O'Keefe is an IHR editor. Educated at Harvard, he has published numerous articles on historical and political subjects. This essay is slightly edited from his presentation at the Eleventh IHR Conference, October 1992. Fourteen years ago, over Labor Day weekend in 1979, the Institute for Historical Review held its very first conference at…

Victory for Irving in Australia Free Speech Struggle

In an important victory for free speech and open debate on the Holocaust issue, Australia’s Federal Court on September 16 unanimously overturned an earlier decision by immigration authorities to reject the visa application of David Irving. Any decision about a visa application by Irving, the high court ruled, must now be reconsidered “by law.” There…

South African Member of Parliament Under Fire for Support of Revisionism

Because he expressed public support for the revisionist cause of truth in history in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review, a South African lawmaker has come under attack from Zionist-Jewish organizations. South African newspapers have reported on a letter in the November 1992 IHR Newsletter, by Louis F. Stofberg, a senior Conservative party…

In Europe: Further Legal Persecution of Revisionists

German University Professor Charged for Holocaust Remarks A respected German university professor has been charged with “popular incitement” because he told some colleagues six years ago that the Holocaust story is not true. Rainer Ballreich, who teaches “biomechanics” at the sports institute of the University of Frankfurt, reportedly told a few colleagues at a 1987…

British Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper On the Gerstein ‘Confessions,’ the Roques Thesis, and the Gas Chamber Question

While serving as a British army intelligence officer during the Second World War, Hugh-Trevor Roper earned a reputation as a leading expert on the German military intelligence service. At the end of the war, he was called upon to investigate the many stories then circulating about Hitler’s fate. The results of his inquiry, which he…

New Attack Against Faurisson and Rami in Stockholm

Even before he arrived in Stockholm in late May, French professor and revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson was expecting trouble. This would be his third visit to the Swedish capital at the invitation of Moroccan-born refugee, author and revisionist activist Ahmed Rami. A few days earlier, the militant Jewish organization “Betar” had annnounced in Paris that…

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