

Holocaust Revisionist Robert Faurisson and the Hypocrisy of the French Government

Ambassador Pierre VimontEmbassy of France in the United States4101 Reservoir Road, NWWashington, D. C. 20007 January 15, 2008 Dear Ambassador Vimont, It has been reported that revisionist historian Robert Faurisson will face trial on charges that he made statements at the Iran Holocaust Conference in December 2006, which cast doubt on the so-called Jewish Holocaust….

Georges Theil and barrister Eric Delcroix before the judge

Georges Theil and barrister Eric Delcroix before the judge in charge of implementation of sentences (Juge d'application des peines) in Grenoble on December 18, 2007 Today Georges Theil, accompanied by his barrister, Eric Delcroix, answered the summons of the “Juge d'application des peines” in Grenoble concerning Mr Theil's six month prison sentence handed down by…

France’s LePen on trial for “justification of war crimes”

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Prosecutors have demanded that Jean-Marie Le Pen should be given a five-month suspended prison sentence and a 10,000 euro fine for saying that the Nazi occupation of France was “not particularly inhumane.” LePen is a French right-wing nationalist politician and the founder and president of the…

French Justice, Justice on its Back

Three new examples of how “Justice lies down in the conqueror’s bed” In the course of a discussion programme on the ARTE television channel last November, Robert Badinter lied outright in saying that in 1981 he had won a court ruling against me “for being a falsifier of history”. I therefore sued him for libel….

Interview with a Holocaust Heretic: Georges M. Theil (2007)

Introduction In June of this year I first became aware of the persecution of French revisionist author and scholar Georges M. Theil through an Internet email notification. Theil was facing hefty financial penalties and even prison time for having written a slender autobiographical work in 2002. I began a personal correspondence with Theil and obtained…

They met in Teheran

The Teheran Holocaust Conference caused quite a storm in the world media. One might ask: what's so special about that? There are so many holocaust events and holocaust museums and holocaust festivals, sometimes attracting presidents and prime ministers galore, so why did the Teheran (or Tehran) conference draw so much attention and criticism; why were…

Faurisson to be Tried for Attending Iranian Holocaust Conference

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Professor Robert Faurisson who attended the recent Holocaust Conference in Iran is apparently the first of the participants that could face legal punishment. French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy who recently warned the French Parliament of a resurgence of revisionist theories announced that Faurisson might be brought…

Faurisson convicted of Holocaust denial in France

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Paris – Professor Robert Faurisson has been convicted of Holocaust denial by a Paris court over remarks he made on Iranian television. Faurisson, 77, is widely known for his Holocaust revisionist views and writings. Faurisson was given a three month suspended prison term and also fined…

In the XVIIth Chamber of the Paris Correctional Court, the CRIF and Yahweh against Professor Robert Faurisson

They came to grief for it. Quite a bad idea, picking a quarrel with Professor Faurisson. That is what they have learned to their cost, “they” being, first, Madame le substitut du procureur (“assistant public prosecutor”) of the French Republic in Paris, Anne de Fontette, initiator of the proceedings, then the three civil plaintiffs –…

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