

Revisionist Flyers Spread Anonymously in Switzerland

Some individual(s) have disseminated a flyer to local letter boxes of the Swiss town of of Kreuzlingen. It contests that Jews were systematically gassed during WW II. The real victims, the anonymous author states, are to be found amongst German civilians: "So-called contemporary witnesses of those years are claiming gruesome horror-stories. The vast majority of…

Who Will Stop the Crazy Nazi Ham-Radio Operator?

…cry the headlines of newspapers in Switzerland. The reason: Marcel Sauder, a farmer from Thurgau, is accused of having denied the "holocaust" on ham radio, having said: "The Holocaust never happened; at most a few tens of thousands of Jews died during World War II." Four years ago, the 44-year-old operator who calls himself "Fuchs" (fox)…

Expert Vindication for Rudolf Auschwitz Report

Believe it or not, there's good news for revisionists out of Switzerland. On September 9 a Swiss court acquitted a Swiss revisionist of “racial discrimination” for disseminating German revisionist Germar Rudolf's forensic report detailing the absence of evidence for homicidal gassing at Auschwitz and Majdanek. Even better, the court made its ruling because an expert…

Swiss Court Sentences Frank Brunner to Jail for Revisionist Thought Crimes

Dear Mr. Smith: Thanks for your mail. On July 31, 2013, I was sentenced to 6 months prison with suspended sentence for 3 years. This means that during 3 years, if I do something wrong again, I’ll go to jail for those 6 months. And, according to the court, I shall not write anything about…

Open Season on Revisionists

[Dr. Faurisson wrote this article some eight months ago. While some of the legal circumstances have changed (as the preceding article makes clear), his description of the continuing persecution of revisionists in France, Switzerland, and elsewhere in Europe has lost none of its freshness, acuity, or defiance. – Editor] Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust…

Swiss Revisionist Forced Into Exile for Thought Crime

Jürgen Graf at the 13th IHR Conference, May 28, 2000 A prominent Swiss revisionist author who fled his homeland rather than serve a 15-month prison sentence for “Holocaust denial” has been welcomed in Iran. Rather than begin serving the politically-motivated prison term that was to commence in October, Jürgen Graf is staying in Tehran at…

Switzerland: Prison Term for ‘Holocaust Denial’

On April 10, 2000, a Swiss court sentenced 79-year-old publicist and retired teacher Gaston-Armand Amaudruz to one year in prison for “denying” the existence of homicidal gas chambers in World War II German concentration camps. Amaudruz was found guilty of violating Switzerland’s five-year-old “anti-racism” law, which makes it a crime to “deny, grossly minimize or…

Gerhard Förster

Gerhard Förster Gerhard Förster, a courageous Swiss publisher of revisionist books, died in his sleep during the night of September 22-23, 1998, in a home for the elderly in Baden, northern Switzerland. He was a co-defendant, with Jürgen Graf, in the “Holocaust denial” trial in Switzerland on July 16, 1998 – the most important legal…

Swiss Court Punishes Two Revisionists

Prosecutor Threatens Defense Witness A court in Switzerland has punished 47-year-old teacher Jürgen Graf and 78-year-old retired engineer Gerhard Förster with fines and prison terms for writing or publishing allegedly anti-Jewish books. A district court in the northern Swiss town of Baden on July 21 sentenced Graf, a leading Holocaust revisionist, to 15 months imprisonment…

Switzerland’s Anti-Racism Law

For many years Swiss law has prohibited discrimination on the basis of race or national origin, similar to provisions of the 1964 and 1968 federal “civil rights” laws in the United States. But Switzerland's new “anti-racism” law, which is a revision of Article (Section) 261 of the criminal code (Strafgesetzbuch), goes far beyond this. It…

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