Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

Irving Protests German Persecution of Holopaust Skeptics

As reported in the Jan.-Feb. 1995 Journal. one of France's most prestigious magazines, L'Express. now acknowledges that “everything is false” about the Auschwitz “gas chamber” that for decades has been shown to tens of thousands of tourists yearly. British historian David Irving has been fined 30,000 marks (about $21,000) by German courts for saying the…

Doug Collins Under New Fire for Holocaust Views

Over the years, few Canadian writers have delighted and aggravated more readers than Doug Collins. Now semi-retired, the feisty, articulate British-born journalist regularly still turns out an often-provocative column for the widely-read North Shore News of North Vancouver, British Columbia. No stranger to controversy, Collins has recently come under fire from Jewish groups for a…

Fred Leuchter Arrested in Germany

Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., the American execution hardware specialist who insists that claims of wartime mass gassings at Auschwitz are not true, was arrested in Cologne, Germany, on October 28, half an hour before his scheduled appearance on a television show. Fred Leuchter Leuchter was arrested without an arrest warrant or formal charges. He was…

In Europe: Further Legal Persecution of Revisionists

German University Professor Charged for Holocaust Remarks A respected German university professor has been charged with “popular incitement” because he told some colleagues six years ago that the Holocaust story is not true. Rainer Ballreich, who teaches “biomechanics” at the sports institute of the University of Frankfurt, reportedly told a few colleagues at a 1987…

Political Leader Punished German Sentenced for Translating Leuchter Address

Günter Deckert, leader of a small German nationalist political party, has been punished by a German court for serving as interpreter at a lecture by American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter. On November 13, 1992, a court in Mannheim found Deckert guilty of “popular incitement,” defamation of the memory of the (Jewish) dead, and incitement…

Otto-Ernst Remer Sentenced to 22 Months Imprisonment for Revisionist Publications

A German court has sentenced Otto-Ernst Remer, an 80-year-old retired army general, to 22 months imprisonment for publishing articles disputing wartime mass killings at Auschwitz in gas chambers. On October 22, 1992, a criminal court in Schweinfurt found Remer guilty of “popular incitement” and “incitement to racial hatred” because of allegedly anti-Jewish statements published in…

French Court Orders Heavy Penalties Against Faurisson for Holocaust Views

On December 9, 1992, the Paris Court of Appeal (Eleventh Department) rejected Professor Robert Faurisson’s appeal of an April 1991 conviction on a charge of “contesting the crimes against humanity” because of remarks about the Holocaust story he made in a magazine interview. The appeal court imposed penalties of 187,000 francs (nearly $40,000 at current…

Irving Conviction in Germany Upheld, Fine Tripled

David Irving has been ordered by a German court to pay 30,000 marks (about $18,000) for telling an audience that the “gas chamber” at Auschwitz shown to hundreds of thousands of tourists annually is a phony postwar reconstruction (“Attrappen”). On January 13 a Munich court rejected Irving’s appeal of a 1992 conviction, and then tripled…

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