(No) Freedom of Expression

There is the ideal of free speech, and then there is reality: censorship, persecution, and prosecution of dissidents.

Canada Turns into Tyranny

Canada’s parliament is currently discussing a law introduced by the “progressive” Trudeau administration to curtail speech harmful to minors and so-called hate speech. The proposed bill C-63 titled “Online Harms Act” can be accessed here, with an explanation by Canadian government of February 26, 2024, provided here. On March 12, 2024, Tech Policy Press published…

National-Socialist Book Burning

Numerous books and articles have been written about National-Socialist Germany’s book burning and censorship. Some people even think that Germany’s book burning was the precursor to the “Holocaust.” This article provides the details of the book-burning campaigns under the National-Socialist regime, and how this German censorship compares to that imposed by the Allies against Germany after World War II.

The Tolerant Man Who Could Not Be Tolerated

In 2019, and for a couple of years after, we all heard about the “Holocaust-denying” high-school principal William Latson. Most who heard about that of course never checked whether the characterization was accurate. Even some politicians who stated forceful opinions on the matter, it turns out, apparently never bothered to check what they were saying. On…

E. Michael Jones Takes on the Holocaust – Part One

Who is E. Michael Jones? Dr. E. Michael Jones, erstwhile professor of English at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, is a very conservative Catholic who has written a number of books espousing a traditional Catholic perspective. He is a popular guest on interview shows in alternative media because of his strong, vividly expressed views. In…


Lady Michele Renouf, the beautiful, elegant and intelligent fighter against the Holoco$t is interviewed and talks about the original Jewish homeland created by Stalin in Siberia. Lady Renouf states in this video (47 minutes) her refreshing and intelligent views regarding the terrible situation in Palestine. As Lady Renouf says that the Jewish homeland in Siberia,…

The Day Ingram Murdered History

Looking at the pattern of censorship we have experienced over the years, it emerges that the beginning of each year seems to be the most challenging for us. The reason for that seems obvious. In 2005, the General Assembly of the United Nations officially declared the 27th of each January “an annual International Day of…

Don’t Pay with Credit/Debit Cards!

Fraudsters Extrapolated damage caused by credit-card fraud from 2021 through 2027; https://www.statista.com/statistics/1264329/value-fraudulent-card-transactions-worldwide/ By their very nature, credit and debit cards are extremely insecure means of paying. They allow worldwide frauds of more than 30 billion(!) dollars every year, and rising (see chart). Anyone knowing someone’s credit-card number and expiration date can take the owner’s money…

Should teachers give “both sides” of the Holocaust?

Due to a recent rightward shift in political and cultural winds, there has been a controversy focused on the Carroll Independent School District (near Dallas-Fort Worth), where the director of curriculum, in a closed conference, said something that to some people seems controversial. Somebody conveyed a secret recording to NBC News, who broke the story…

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